The heck is this?!

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As far as I knew about this looked bad for me, still I wasn't about to give up. I knew if I did that then Izuku would have my head next time he sees me and hears about this. Who knows he could also just join the teachers in watching us do this. Something told me he was doing just that.


This hurts soo much!

How dare he trow me against a wall....

Wait is this blood...


I am bleeding!


You gonna pay for this!

How dare you make me bleed?!


I am supposed to be the villain and not you!

Why are you allowed to do this, huh?

Wanna feel some pain too?



Let me show you what real pain feels like!

I stood up from getting yetted against a wall and folling down to the ground and immediately started charging myself. If there was one thing that I knew that that was that I could also use the enegery from my quirk to speed up just a bit. The turth was it was giving me the energy to not get tired. So if I would sprint, I could hold on to a speed way better than others and run a kilo-meter just sprinting.

So I did exactly that.

Let's see how long you can keep up.

I have enough time!

We also don't have a time limit at all!


Let's see my friend!

Where would it hurt more?



Side of the stomach?

Head... nope, don't wanna be a murderer...



Let me just...

I ran towards Sato and just threw myself on the ground sliding before jumping up and dodge again. You may say I was pissed, so I tried to get bhind his back which wasn't as easy as it sounds. I wasn't that fast like Iida or Izuku. I was just normal human fast with the examtion that I didn't get tired at all.

Ah come on!

This is getting ridiculous!

Just let me touch your back and finish this off!

After a couple of time dodging and attacking him as well as blocking some attacks, I was sure I would get some nice bruises but it also allowed me to find a weakness and get behind him. In an instant, I touched his neck and used my electricity which I had pent up in my body to discharg into his system...

Again I knew I wasn't allowed to kill anyone and this would defy the rules of a game, so I just used enough to make sure this guy wouldn't be able to feel anything since his sensors were overloaded for quite some time.

Needless to say the guy, Sato, went down to his knees first and then dropped to the floor.

Me: Phiew.... This was a bit difficult.... I am glad I made it trhough round 3.

As I was thinking that all of the sudden I could hear explotions coming towards me. Just one look and I could make up Iida with Uraraka on his back running towards me including Shoto and Bakugo coming my way.

Me: What is this a spawning level?!

Fuck this shit!

I am out of here!

I have to disperse them!

Just like that I booked it for a tactical retreat. There was no way I would go up against two powerhouses like Todoroki or Bakugo. No fucking way!

Now all I coul do was hope only Iida and Uraraka would get to me first.

Now all I coul do was hope only Iida and Uraraka would get to me first

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