I chose you! Pikachu!

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It was right after I got myself charged up that I saw Shouji running towards me with Mineta. However something was wrong since that guy was looking to the side as if there was a person running right next to them. My guess, there was Hagakure which I haven't seen so far. The only problem was that they were not the only ones coming at me right now. 

Bakugo and Todoroki also caught up. 

What am I about to do now...

This is definitelly the end level. 

There shouldn't be anyone around anymore besides them.

Welp... this means I can just go discharge and make the most magnificent electric net they ever seen in their entire life.

Why do I feel like someoe is talking about me right now...

It can't be Izu.... I hope not...

Oh god...

I hope he won't force me to train a bit more.

I never thought I could fell how it feels like to be electrocuted with my quirk.

I live out electricity!

Still he managed to make me feel it.

Respect dude.

Once I decided what to do, I waited fro everyone to come closer. Now I was still standing where the generator for the powerline were within my reach and seeing as we had power again and were not in the dark, I knew what I was about to do next. It might be stupid and I did it once with Izuku because he pestered me to do it and it hurts but it was effective. 

So I immediately gripped the wireying which I put back and pulled it out. Now having it in my hand, I started overcharging myself before putting the whole energy in the air with a corona effect. 

A/N: You can google it. This is really a thing. It's an electrical discharge, which you can hear. XD

You could hear the little *cnacking* sounds as I discharged some of the energy in myself and then it happened. Everyone came closer to me and I just hit the ground making a huge electric field and I mean quite literally a field. Electricity started to run at them like small snakes and they all felt it. Their screms were soo nice and it was definitely worth hearing Bakugo scream like a girl.

You can do whatever you want to me Izu....

This was worth it....

So worth it...


Looks like this is my limit...

I felt my body go limp as I fell down. My vision started to darken and the last thing I can remember was everyone falling down to the ground.

3rd POV:

As Denki and everyone fell to the ground, Ectoplasm already started to collecting them. Every single one of class 1A students were brought to the infirmary for check up reasons. None of the teacher thought that this would end like that. Now was the big question tho who was the winner out of the game since they were all down on the ground.

All Might: Who should we declare winner?

Izuku: Denki.

Snipe: He went down too.

Izuku: Yeah sure but he could have killed everyone if he didn't discharge a bit of his energy. So if you ask me, he is the winner.

Power Loader: He is right. You could clearly hear the corona effect.

Nezu: Very ture.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Alright.

RG: You stay here Dearie.

Izuku: Why?

RG: Why? Ah, did you really asked why or did you forget about your fewer?

Izuku: I am fealing fine.

RG: No. Go lay down in the bed right next to Kaminari.

Izuku: But!

Aizawa: Problem Child, just do it.

Izuku: Awww... Come on! I am fine! I can walk home.

Nezu: I already informed your mother. You staying here like the rest of them. 

Aizawa: Get some rest, problem child.

Izuku: ... hypocrite!

Aizawa: *Sigh* I'll sleep here too. It's my class after all.

RG: You are just worried he wil be running away.

Aizawa: Maybe.

Izuku: Probably would have tried but now... nah. He needs sneep. 

Just like that Izuku respected Aizawa's messed up sleeping schedule and went to rest in the infirmary bed like the others too. Still he was sure to lecture and train his lovely Pikachu a bit more. 

The class on the other hand were sure not to make jokes on Denki anymore as they all learned their lessons. Little did they know that he wasn't the only one they were wrong about. No one besides Denki and the teacher knew about Izuku's behaviour.

Of course Izuku also didn't forget about the war game Nezu has promised him. He was sure to pester the damn demon till he would give in, even if that meant getting some blackmail material himself and use it on that chimera.

A/N: Thanks for reading this short civil war game. See ya in another one and I hope you enjoyed this one!

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