Chapter 19- Crossmare

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I didn't expect this

•No Ones Pov•

"Nightmare what's- o-oh-"

Cross twitched as Nightmare hugged him tightly, his confusion turning to concerned real quick when he noticed they we're shaking.

"Night.. what's wrong.."
"...i-im sorry.. I.. I didn't mean.."
"....It's fine.. you we're upset-..I would of been upset too..."

Cross sighed smiling as he hugged back, rubbing his partners back in circles, glancing towards the couch "..Why..don't we sit down on the couch Night?"

"mm...this is going to be the only time your ordering me around.."

Cross walked slowly to the couch, sitting down. Allowing Nightmare to lay down resting his head in Cross's lap, "... don't feel sorry for what you did Night..."
"How can I not be...i got so mad...."

"Oh please.. I..knew you wouldn't.. kill me.." "mm..."

•Nightmares Pov•

How can he forgive me so easily.
Why is this so easy!

Isn't he supposed to be upset? Mad? Angry at me?!...
"Why aren't you mad at me..." "Because I love you Night, how can I stay mad at you.."

"Your in danger because of me though... Gaster wants you.. and he knows your with me.."
"...hmm...your brother.."

"He doesn't have a brother... We can all stay with him for a bit!..."

"I...well... That is a good idea..."
"..fine.. we can have someone change the course to where he is later but for now.."

I sat up and laid the other way, pulling Cross on-top of me, "for now.. cuddles" "so affectionate"
"..Do you not want my affection~?"

I chuckled and smiled as Cross started to cuddle close to me, I hugged his waist resting my head on his shoulder as his kissed my neck nuzzling me, "mm... Love you Nightmare.."
" you too.."
"'s nice seeing you like affectiona-"
"Shut upppp..and let me cuddle you.."


"We're going to your brother's place?"
"Yes, me and Cross had that idea, so we can lay low for a bit"
"Till Gaster stops hunting Cross- well us down"

"It is a good idea..  I can't wait to meet him!"
"He nice?"

"Yes.. and don't corrupt his mind with you guys sinful shit."
"I'll make sure they don't."
"Oooooo- I'm excited!"

"•how... We going to tell Dream.. about Cross and Geno, without him panicking?•"
"I'll sort that out, Error go change the course of the ship."
"Everyone else back to work with what you we're doing earlier"

"Aye aye Captain."
"Andddd now your back to ordering people around", "yeah yeah, where's Frisk?"
"I think he just went with Ccino back to his kitchen-"

"How far is your brother's place?"
"Hmm.. it's probably going to take a week to get there.."
"...well at least we'll be safe when we get there, I don't think we'll be there for too long-...?"

"Hmm.. hopefully not, I don't want to settle down" "I've always wanted to but.. being out in the sea like this is fun"

"Mh-" "I'm still not used to this, you casually have a normal conversation instead of it being serious talk"

"Oh shut up and finish moving the barrels." "Did it"

"I- rude"
"Not really"
"What do I do now then"
"Oh do you want more jobs"
"I- well n-"
"No since you asked, go help Geno, pretty sure he's restocking the medicine cabinet"


"So dry-"

I rolled my eyes at Cross, looking up at the sky, "clear as day.." "no rain then-?"
"Obviously you dumbass"

Cross twitched 'glaring' at me annoyed as I chuckled stretching, it's going to take while to get home.


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