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Lisa stared at the fire not far from her as she was seated inside their shelter. She was watching Jungkook throw more dry branches into the fire to keep it burning. They just finished eating their dinner. Jungkook told her that they should keep the remaining canned food in reserve, in case of emergency, and they should first eat whatever he would catch from the sea or get from hunting inside the jungle.

Earlier in the afternoon, Lisa had already written a massive SOS sign on the sand using a large tree branch in order to get rescued. She made sure to write the sign on the highest and driest part of the beach so it wouldn't be washed away easily by the beach waves. But at night, fire would be the only signal that would let the rescue party know where they were located.

"Do you think they will find us soon?" she suddenly asked as she hugged her knees. She was thinking of her parents. They must be worried sick about her and Jungkook right now.

She remembered how difficult it was for her mom to let her join the rescue operation for Jungkook. She must be crying really hard right now not knowing for sure if her only daughter was still alive. She just hoped that they would be found soon because she didn't want to prolong her parents' as well as Jungkook's family's agony for a long time.

Besides, this was her first time sleeping outdoors in the open air, and she was a bit worried about bugs because she hated those.

She tried camping once before, with Lana, May, and Drey. But it was at a commercial campsite with various facilities. Moreover, they were sleeping in an enclosed and robust tent, complete with a mosquito net.

So, even though it was not something that she would prefer to do in her free time, the sleeping arrangement was definitely more convenient and secure than the current one that she and Jungkook were having. She released a sigh of relief because she hadn't seen any mosquitoes nor had she been bitten by them so far.

"Yes, I'm sure they will not stop looking for us. While we wait, I will make sure we will have everything that we need to survive," Jungkook answered.

He noticed her glum expression and asked, "What is wrong? What are you thinking?"

"Nothing, I just missed mom and dad…" She said gloomily.

Jungkook smiled and said in jest, trying to lift up her mood, "Hmm, they must be missing you a lot too right now. You are their only daughter. A very good, beautiful and loveable daughter… But at the same time I think they would have less headache because you are a very stubborn daughter as well. That's how your father always describes you. He even once told me before that his daughter is so stubborn that if she decided to set her eyes on me, my resistance would be futile."

He chuckled when his mind flashed back to their days at the Military Academy when the teenage Lisa was pursuing him persistently.

Lisa twitched her mouth and replied proudly, "Excuse me… For your information, I'm an example of the perfect daughter that every parent could ever wish for…"

Jungkook laughed out loud and said, "Alright, you're indeed a perfect daughter… But you're not only that. To me, you're also the perfect wife despite your stubbornness…"

Lisa blushed at his compliment. But then she was reminded of something, and she narrowed her eyes on Jungkook.

Tomorrow he would scout around the jungle to see what kind of thing he could find and use for them in the area. Jungkook wanted to go alone but Lisa disagreed. She was still trying to convince him to let her go with him.

"Hmm, right… so, as the perfect wife, I think I really should follow wherever my husband is going. So, I should really come with you tomorrow to scout the area... Besides, you also said it yourself... That we should always stick together…" she reverted back to a sullen voice, still hugging her knees.

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