<1.9> Eath's mightiest hero

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"No." Wanda said, picking her up, throwing him out of the temple, over the cliff as you gasped.

"Y/n, c'mere." Wanda said, inviting you to her throne.

You slowly walked to her, slightly afraid of her now that Wong was gone.

"I'm going to Dreamwalk and find Billy and Tommy, dear, do you want to come along?" She asked, rubbing your arm up and down.


"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing that something was wrong.

"Did Wong have to go?"

"He was getting in the way, sweetheart, we don't want that, do we, милый [darling]?"

You slowly shook your head.

"Right, you ready to go?" She asked, making you nod.

Within minutes, you were back in the other universe, waiting for Wanda on her porch while she tucked in Billy and Tommy, before coming out to get you.

"If there's something wrong, you can always talk to me if something's wrong, Y/n." She said, sitting down on the porch beside you.

"Your boys, how old are they?" You asked in a whisper, not looking at her.

"10... why?"

"America's four years older..."

"But I need her to see my boys again, if not-"

"Wanda, she's 14."

"If you're not comfortable helping me, it's okay, sweetheart, I'll send you back to your universe." Wanda replied, tracing your face with her finger.

"I'll be fine, Wanda, don't worry." You smiled at her, "Where to now?" You asked, getting up, dusting yourself off.

"We, are going to get America... And you, my little one, are gonna help me." She booped your nose, flying off, taking you alone with her.

Back at the Sanctum

"Our Strange did not die defeating Thanos." Charles said, "We were at war, while the rest of us banded together to try to stop Thanos. Stephen, as always, chose to go it alone."

"He turned to the Darkhold, began Dreamwalking, in hopes that out salvation migjt lie in the Multiverse." Mordo contributed.

"And guess what? It didn't, but he kept doing it anyway." Marvel said.

"One night, you called us all together, confused that you had been Dreamwalking and you words, 'Things had gotten out of hand.' You never told us the details of what had happened, only that you had inadvertently triggered an Incursion. You, our friend, had caused the annihilation of another universe."

"Everyone in that reality died. Everyone."

"Stephen renounced the Darkhold's evil and helped us find The Book of Vishanti, a weapon we use together to defeat Thanos. But one final threat remained." Charles sighed, as he finished his speech, he placed his hands on his head.

Stephen kneeled on the ground before the Illuminati, his fingers had turned black because of the Darkhold.

"I shall miss you, my friend." Charles said solemnly.

"I'm ready." Stephen said, looking at Black Bolt, nodding.

Black Bolt stepped a few feet in front, tears forming, "I'm sorry." He said, his voice echoing, taking Stephen out almost immediately.

"Did you tell Christine?" Stephen asked, looking at the team.


"The statue... What about the statue? You built a statue!"

"The world needs heroes, we made a difficult choice because we knew what our Strange was capable of." Reed said.

"What, perhaps, every Doctor Strange is capable of." Carter sighed.

Suddenly, a loud alarm blared through the speakers, making everyone look around.

"The building's been breached."

"No shit, genius."

"Status report on sentries."

Immediately, a hologram popped up, everyone watched as Wanda and you came through the building door, destroying every single robot that came at her, attacking you.

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