Chapter 1

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Hey what's going on guys, Extremepokemon here and welcome to Chapter 1 of Sword Art Online: Alicization: Takeover of the Human Empire, before we do get underway, I just wanted to say a few things like 1, this story is Rated M for Mature Audiences due to Violence, Course Language, Romance and Scenes that may be disturbing for some readers, etc. 2, this is close to a past story I've done called Cathedral's Downfall. 3, this is a Kirito x Harem story. 4, There sadly won't be any music or soundtracks in this story but there will be an opening song which is Scar/Let by ReoNa, I am also planning for another project where there will be music and soundtracks. 5, Yuuki will be in this as she has made a full recovery from AIDS. 6, this will be uploaded on both Fanfiction and Wattpad and finally 7, I do not own Sword Art Online or any of its characters, images, or any other likeness, that all belongs to Reki Kawahara, I'm only a fan of his work, now with all the notes out of the way, let's begin this story.

Chapter 1

We begin at the Swords Mastery Academy with the sun rising over the building with few clouds in the sky, indicating that it's going to be a beautiful day, we enter 1 of the rooms to see our black haired swordsman sleeping peacefully with the sunlight barely peeking through the window and the birds tweeting peacefully until a knock on the door is heard, causing the boy to moan and grumble lightly as he opens his eyes.

"Hello, you awake Kirito?" Asks Asuna with Leafa standing behind her, both already in their respective uniforms with Asuna's being white and red and Leafa's being bright green with white as Kirito sits up to stretch his arms whilst yawning before wiping his eyes, looking groggy.

"I'm up Asuna, I'll be out with you guys in a bit." Says Kirito as he gets to his feet and goes to pull the curtains to the side to reveal the beautiful sky and some birds flying by before going to change into his Elite Swordsman in Training Uniform which is black and white.

"Ok, we're just heading down to have breakfast with the others, we'll see you there alright?" Says Leafa with Kirito responding with "Ok" before the 2 girls walk away as Kirito looks to the distance with a tall white building reaching the sky.

*These past 2 years me and my friends have been learning a lot about the Underworld and the people here, in this world, your true power isn't just expressed in numbers, only 3 stats show up in your window, your Life, your Object Control Authority and your System Control Authority, if your Object Control Authority's a low number, you can barely hold a higher class weapon, but if your stats way bigger than the weapons, it feels insanely light, if your System Control Authority's stat tells you what kind of Sacred Arts you can use, if your low level, you can only use simple spells, but if you level up, you can access more sophisticated spells, that's how it works in games too, but there's an extra feature here that affects your stats, it's something SAO, ALO and GGO didn't have, sometimes the strength of a mental image you create can influence your stats, if a person has the confidence or the willingness to win, their power can be amplified many times over, that's what makes so many higher ranked nobles so powerful, so if you can imagine yourself to be more powerful than anyone, you'll have the potential to rewrite the laws of this world.* Thought Kirito as he changes out of his night clothes into his uniform before leaving his room to head downstairs to join his fellow Elite Swordsmen in Training for breakfast.

We join the Elite Swordsmen in Training who are each eating and talking at different tables, Kirito's table consisting of Asuna, Leafa, Sinon in her GGO green uniform, Yuuki in and purple and red uniform, Silica in a red and yellow uniform and Lisbeth in red pinkish and white uniform are eating different variety of foods.

"So Kirito, since it is our Day of Rest, what is your plans for the day?" Asks Yuuki with everyone else looking at Kirito.

"Hmm, oh, well I'm actually holding a picnic with my 2 Valets near the lake, should be a lot of fun." Says Kirito with the others nodding.

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