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Minato Arisato as they all gather in that fatefull day they all think about their future plans

"So sempais what will you do next when you go to collage as to be honest i still don't know what i will do"Minato ask both of his Sempai Akihiko and Mitsuru

"Nice question Minato as for me i will finish my studies and officially took over the Kirijo group and make my father proud of me in Heaven" Mitsuru told her plan

"Well when if you say that i guess i need to think for a momment as my reason for joining  S.E.E.S. is to be stronger as i am weak to save my sister and my Best friend but now that the Dark Hour is gone i have to find my new path so i was thinking of exploring the world to find my true path so i hope i will find some answer if i see the rest of the world" Akihiko said it with passion even though he have not decided  his future

As they look at their sempais plans they can't help but to think about their future as well

"Well now that were in this topic will share my dreams to as you don't know in my middle school i was a baseball player but when i move here in Tatsumi Port Island there is no baseball here so my passion to it died out and find something to replace it and that the real reason i join here but i was a bit foolish as my narrow mind almost got you guys in trouble and learn something more important"As Jumpei look at the sky as he remember Chidori's sacrifice in order to revive him even though she survive as the flower that Jumpei give to her actually save her as the life force inside the flower return to her but her memory about her past is erased but it didn't stop Jumpei to win her affection back as he blush about his plan for the future

"Well if our resident stupie share his plan i guess i share mine well i already told Minato about it so i will try to fix my relationship with my Mother as i still have some fear and anger inside me but i can't run away with it in my entire life so i ask Minato to go with me to support me" As Yukari is still un-sure if she can face her mother without getting mad

"Well if you guys tell your plans i guess i tell mine as well i will do what i always want to do so i will studying Information Technology and some cooking as a hobby as my skill in that is increase(to the level of of being edible) and not be swayed by my parents want me to become" Fuuka says with confidence as her timid personality is gradually being shed off but not completely but its still a improvement in Fuuka's life 

"Sempais you already know the real reason i join here but when shinjiro confronted me and tell me his side of the story and  i still have some sadness in my heart but me living in that kind of life will make my Mother sad in Heaven and make Shinjiro back to life just to scold me hehehe" Ken laugh but his eyes betray him as im there is still sadness remain but at the very least he try to cheer him self up

"Arf Arf Arf" Said by Koromaru and Aigis translated it "Koromaru said that he will protect his new masters and will make sure we are safe in his side"

As Aigis finish her translation she as well have some plan " Even though im a Gynoid i as well have a something to do aside from being in Minato's side i will help Mitsuru in her way as her family created me as my duty as A.S.W. i need to learn about this new emotion i gain from this journey" As Aigis look at Minato expecting him to tell his plan as well

"Ohh well first of all i'm sorry as i never forget it in the first place and just being quiet about it as i think it better to not know what pain and sorrow we get in the Dark Hour but its already to late so me hiding this is very unacceptable as a friend" As Minato apoligise to his friends and continue "But there is more that i keep hidden as i also discover that Ikutsuki have some secret that we didn't know when we won the dead line of the true awakening of the Goddess(Shin Megami Tensei) of NYX a few days later i look at Ikutsuki's hidden base as i have some clues where to find it and i discover that where they get the shadow to create the AVATAR OF DEATH and its rejects the Reapers" As Minato revealed his information they sudden realise the blind spot of their question in how the Dark Hour started

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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