• dont look at me•

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Jordans pov:
I started to love the scent of the horrible smelling cafeteria food that we eat everyday,the  crowded jail cell and the strong guards that always beat us up if we didn't do what they asked.

I stared up at the many stories of this prison that I had 1 month left in.

Holy shit.

I only told Adam this as he was now my 'daddy' as everyone kept annoying me about that guard I "liked".

So now Adam was mine so everyone can fuck of.

I always laughed at how their petty teary eyes looked at Adam as he towered above them.

And today was one of those days.

I walked out my cell for break as I eyed everyone up and down to see who I wanted to annoy today.

I saw this one nerdy boy who hated my guts but was to scared of me and Adam I don't know why we never even talked but I'm just to good looking obviously.

I walked over to him as he held his friends hair back as he dragged it around as if he wanted to seem threatening?

Pathetic piece of shit.

I stood in front of the needy boy who's name was Peter but I always called him peeing Peter. It was longer, but very funny and everyone laughed at me when I said it so I always call it him now.

I tapped on peters shoulder

"Hey peeing Peter is your boyfriend okay?"
I ask sarcastically asking about his 'boyfriend'.

"We are NOT dating" Peter says glaring at me.

"Good because we had a fun night last night, didn't we?" I say winking at him which caused Peter to clearly yell all types of insults to my face.

I put my finger on his lips.

"Shhh peterr~ we can have fun later" I say practically moaning his name. He storms away from me but before he did I caught a glimpse of his face and his obvious bulge that formed in his now tight pants which matched perfectly with his now red face.

I laughed at him while he walked to one of the guards and started to whisper in his ear.

The guard pushed him away  which made him fall to the ground.

It was the guard I was having a sex with last month.

I now hated the guard as he always wanted his can I say huge cock in my small hole which did make me horny at the slow thoughts coming through my mind.

I saw the guard roll his eyes and eyed me up and down while I waited for him to finally make his way to me since he was on the other side of the yard.

Once he got close to me he said "stop making other people horny,only you can do tha-" he says while I cut him of.

"But I'm to hot its not my fault" I say shrugging my shoulders making him step away abit.

I started to walk away from him while I felt him staring at my beautiful ass as I walked away.

I stuck my middle finger up at him as I did not fell like turning my back.

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