Or do..

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I fall to my knees tears filling my eyes and every now and again a tear falls down my face.

May comes rushing in hearing my sad cry's and picks me up from the freshly cleaned floor.

I show mat the phone and he hugs me tightly as my nails dig into his back.

I hide my head in his neck waiting for myself t0 calm down.

"It's okay,I won't let him touch you." He says.

The door then slams open.

He's back.

He enters the house smirking at me.

I feel myself start to shake tremendously.

I grip on mats t-shirt harder and he pulls me behind him.

"WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT WITH HIM!?" mat yells causing me to flinch.

I peek around his back and see Adam standing there.

He walks in the house shutting the door behind him.

He gets to us and mat slowly walks backwards away from him but he just walks towards us again.

"Hey Jacob."

My throat becomes dry.

I swallow slowly as my name in his mouth just goes through me now.

"W-what.." I tremble.

"I love you and I know you love me.." he says.

My grip loosens as I hear his rough demeanour turn soft.

Suddenly Adam slams mat into the kitchen counter making mat choke on his own breathe.

He moves closer to me while staring in my eyes causing me to be mesmerised by him and how calmly he was walking.

He gets to me and looks down at me.

"Still very short I see?" He says.

I nod slowly,he then places his index finger under my chin making me look up at him.

He was a very tall man,also very scary.

Mat then stops coughing and just stood there.

He moves inches closer to me making me question myself,did I still love him?

No,I couldn't! He ruined my life..


Fuck I can't resist he was to close to my face.

While debating with myself adams lips gently connected with mine making my train of thought get lost somewhere.

I lean into the kiss my heart raising.

My eyes are closed but I could still see mats shocked expression in my head.

We pull away from the kiss at the same time,Adam suddenly glares at mat signalling for him to get out the house.

"So, does that mean the others got out aswell??" I ask worried.

He shakes his head slowly,"no,they got life I only got 5 years but I got 3 and a half on gpod behaviour.

I nod hesitantly.

After a second I realised he looked very very hot.

He had a unbuttoned shirt and baggy jeans on from when he got released most likely anyway.

I think he noticed me eyeing him up and down.

"You look pretty hot to cutie." He says winking at me.

I was wearing,practically nothing, but I had no shirt on and black joggers.

Something he didn't know was that I was commando though so..

I don't know why anyone needed to know that whatever.

"T-thanks." I say kind of scared still.

"Don't be scared love..." he says stroking my cheek.

I smile feeling the warmth of his skin touch mine causing goosebumps apear on my skin.

He kisses my forehead before dragging me by the wrist to the couch.

He then put on this movie.

It was gay,coincidence.😐

I get up to go to the kitchen and see from the corner of my eye Adam eyeing me up.

I grab a ice pop!

Strawberry,my favourite!


I put the wrapper in the bin and make my way to the couch.

I sit next to Adam again watching it.

A fight scene came on and I was secretly hoping that the bad guy won cause he was hotter but I won't tell anyone that cause they'll curb stomp me.

I finished the last bit and started to lick the juice.

I turned around and saw Adam staring at me.

My eyebrow raises as I see him move uncomfortably.

I looked him up and down and once I got to the down part my face heated up with embarrassment.

I got up and prayed he didn't see I noticed his highly visible hard on.

I put the stick in the bin and took atleast 5 minutes to get water and drink it all then I sat back down hoping it's gone by now.

I walked to the seat but I got dragged by Adam!

on his lap.

I grabbed the couch to balance myself.

I fidgeted on him causing him to growl as I was most likely rubbing on him.

I must say, this man got teased very easily.

I wanted to continue.

Why wouldn't I.

I knew he was trying so hard not to make his boner even higher.

But I couldn't help myself.

I then got in a "good" spot and stayed their until a sex scene came on.

I smirked and started to fidget more.

I started to make the up and down motion like for sex near the tip of his cock causing him to groan quietly behind my back.

Then moans came from the Tv.


I purposely whimper gently wiggling around on his lower abdomen and near the sides of his now highly erect dick.

"Stop moving god.." he sighs out.

"Sorry I'm just really uncomfortable." I reply back still moving.

"You can get off if you like." He says .

I nod and stroke his dick with my ass then brush his cock with my palm while getting off.

Before I could sit down adam pulled me back down but pushed me under him.

He leaned down smashing his lips against mine causing whimpers to come out my mouth at his sudden fast pace.

My hands where trapped behind my head as adam pressed down on them.

I opened my mouth slowly allowing his tongue to slip into my mouth.

You can imagine the rest I hope 🫶🏻

I've been wanting to forever and have planned the name of it but just didn't have any motivation or ideas since I'm working on another book!

But I'm hoping to slit up my toe. With them both 50/50

But this book has a special place In My heart so ❤️❤️

I've missed Adam and Jacob so much🥺🥺

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