White Widow

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*This story is flopping so hard but trying to stay positive because Yelena deserves more fan fiction😫

Yelena's P.O.V.

Throughout the night Y/N would toss and turn trying to get comfortable but she would only stay still no longer than an hour. I felt sorry for her but every time she turned over I'd be there holding her carefully.

I was looking forward for her to come back after work and had everything planned out. First I wanted her to take a bath to try and relax and then when she was done we would watch her favorite movie. I even had popcorn ready in the kitchen but once I saw her hunched over looking the smallest I've ever seen her...it kind of made me sad.

Usually I'd be the one to say toughen up or you'll be fine because that's how Melina taught me. The red room hated it when we cried or showed signs of weakness. Therefore anything that happens to me gets brushed off because I have been through worse but Y/N....that's a different story.

Her lip was so swollen and bruised, the gash on her forehead was even worse. Her poor body is black and blue, even her shoulder is swollen. Even if she's a little taller than me she's smaller. She's fit obviosuly but she's built differently because I'm the opposite. I'm dense and have the ability to take hits and certain injuries. Y/N's body is just not so everything looks worse on her than it would me.

"Lena..." I turn my head so see Y/N in obvious discomfort, "Yes?"

Laying on her side she blindly places her hand all over the bed and once she finds me it comes to a stop, "Can you please get me Advil and a heated rag?"

"Head hurts?" I ask standing up from the bed and she just nods. I go to the bathroom getting the Advil while also grabbing a small rag. Going to the kitchen I dampen the rag and place it in the microwave for a minute then get a water for her. She didn't ask for this but I also get a bag of frozen peas to place on her back.

When everything is ready, I carry all of it back into the room, "Here's a water and the medicine."

Opening her hand I place the pills in there and open the drink also handing that to her, "When you're done lay on your stomach." I instruct waiting by the bed. Y/N places the water on the table and slowly turns over, "Did you get the hot rag?"

"Yes," I place it on her head earning a weak groan of relief, "I'm going to raise your shirt up a bit." I warn because I don't want to scare her even more, "Okay."

I bite my lip reaching down and begin to carefully raise the bottom of her shirt up until her mid back is visible, "This will be cold." I tell her right before laying the peas on her back.

Y/N tenses a little bit let's her body sink down in a more realized state, "Is this comfortable?"

"No." Y/N sighs so I begin to slightly panic, "Why what's wrong? Am I hurting you?"

"Haha no Lena but I do need you to do one thing for me." Y/N giggles sound like a symphony to my ears hoping she's coming back around to be more like herself, "What would that be?"

"First tell me what time it is and to please cuddle me."

I look at my watch wincing, "It's only two fourty-five in the morning but yes, how do you want me?"

Trying to lift her head up to look at me, I bend down brushing hair away from her face, "Remember how you laid on my stomach that one night?" Her fingers trail along my jawline as I nod, "Can um..can I lay on you like that?"

I smile as I stand up and lightly crawl on the bed, "I'm going to need you to lift your head a little and try your best to lean up as far as you can."

Complying Y/N holds the peas on her back and I quickly get behind her resting my back on the headboard stretching my legs out straight, "Okay lay back." I say softly guiding her back until she's laying on me, "Better?"

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