I love you

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Y/N's P.O.V.

After our small but sweet talk we started to shower to get all the blood and grime off of us from the night. I was washing my chest with a loofa when I looked at where I got shot...still no bullet hole and my mind picks up again. What the hell is wrong with me?

I physically shake my head to get rid of the thought and continue scrubbing my skin until it's bright red.


I zone back in for a second to look at Yelena, who's behind me, "Yeah..uh sorry..I just-"

"Don't apologize to me...I'm just a little worried about you." Yelena states pointing at my now bright red chest, "You've been scrubbing the hell out of your chest."

I smile at her to signal that I'm fine but it doesn't work as she takes the loofa from my hands and starts to gently wash the rest of my body, "You know I can read your body language and see right through you."

"Damn you being a highly trained assassin." I try to joke and laugh but she just gives me a pointed look. I take in a deep breath as she washes my stomach feeling the soreness kicking in already, "Like I've stated..I'm just really confused and need answers asap."

Yelena clicks her tongue before turning me around so now my back is to her and begins washing my back, "I know Y/N and we will get them but something else is bothering you...so you might as well be honest with me or there will be no cuddles tonight."

I throw my head back with a small whine not really wanting to talk about EVERYTHING but I know she's the only one right now who would understand so I wait until she's done washing me and when she is I turn around. After drawing in a deep breath and realeasing it I look up into her gorgeous eyes and began to tell her what happened to me.

"What did that piece of shit look like?" Yelena asks as her jaw tightens and anger swirls in her eyes.

"I mean he was really I mean really big, thick Russian accent, ummmm not fat but also not overly muscular-"

Yelena interrupts me getting more impatient, "Did he have tattoo's Y/N...scars I mean I need exact details."

The pressure she's putting on me is too much and I finally snap, "Yelena I don't know! He fucking killed my father so I'd rather not..not t-talk about this r-right now!" I scream balling my fist in frustration as my voice grows weak and I start to sob.

"N-No please don't cry detka..I'm sorry..." She tries to hold me but I lightly shove her away and get out of the shower. I'm not mad at her but I'm just frustrated..I'm feeling a lot all at once and right now her pressuring me to talk is not helping.

I quickly wrap a towel around my body and make my way to my room. I don't even dry off before I put on one of my large t-shirts and I crawl into bed after dropping the towel somewhere on the floor. I don't even bother with my hair and so I just lay down in total darkness and silence before I start crying again.

I bury my face into my pillow and sob. Seeing this man brought back all these feelings I've suppressed for the longest time.

I don't know how long I've been crying but I hear my door open so I sniffle a little bit before lifting my head up and see Yelena standing there. She's kind of blurry but I can see she's wearing a sports bra with a pair of female boxer shorts. She's hot and normally I would've jumped her by now but I can't.

Yelena gives me a pitiful look before slowly walking to my side of the bed. I just watch her through blurred vision as she sets down a water bottle on my bedside table, "I'm going to give you some space but I'll be in the living room okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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