Girls talk

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This chapter will talk about sex. If you don't like that then why are you still reading my fanfic. Anyways BYE

Luffy stormed into the room and sat on one of the beds. His arms was crossed and his cheeks puffed out. He cover his face and grown out loud not knowing how to respond. No one asked him such a thing so he doesn't know to say yes or no. Nami talk to him and sat beside Luffy. Nami looked at him and rub his back. His face was red from blush. Same with his ears.

"Are you okay did Law say something?" Nami quitly asked trying to calm Luffy down.

"No it's just. I" Luffy started to trail off when he went to the word I. He was embarrassed, flustered, and confused of course he wouldn't know how to explain.

"Nami I think our little captain has a crush on someone is that right Luffy?" Robin said teasing Luffy. When hearing that Luffy looked up and look at Robin shocked. Not excepting her to find out.

"How you know I didn't tell anyone?!" Luffy eyes widened and mouth was a little bit opened with a single sweat drop falling off his forehead. Robin just giggles at her suppressed captain.  She gave him her normal warm welcome closed eyed smile.

"Luffy you been all over him all day. You followed him like a lose puppy and don't act like I haven't noticed how Law is now more protective of you. As if he is your boyfriend." Robin said pinching his cheeks. Nami noded realizing and agreeing to what Robin said.

"Now that you mentioned it you have been a bit close to him lately do you like him?" Nami said facing his way. Moving her body so she can get a better look.

"Well yeah I we are together but that's not why I got embarrassed. He asked for sex and of course I said no." Luffy said while crossing his arms. Puffing out a stem of smoke out of his nose. Nami hit him in the back of his head mad that he didn't take the opportunity.

"Are you stupid you should have said yes. I know I would if the boy of my dreams ask to do it." Nami said cupping her face while imagining the perfect man. Robin chuckled while going to the kitchen make her self a cup of coffee.
"Now Nami you know Luffy is not that interested in sex and you can't force 'em." Robin smiled while taking out the cups for Nami and her. Having a feeling this is going to be a long night.

"That's not in it's just because Grandpa said I should do it after I get married."

"Your Grandpa doesn't control who you want to sleep with. Does he even know about your secret?" Nami said pointing at his pants. Luffy blushed and looked away.

"Well no but what if I do it I can get you know."

"You know there's are ways to protect yourself from having a baby for example ______." Robin said walking in with a cup of coffee laying it on the table for Nami. For Luffy some apple juice since him and chopper loves it a lot and that Nami won't let them eat orange juice.

"Thanks Robin" Luffy  stared to drink his apple juice.

"Thank you Robin" Nami said smiling at her.

"Nami uh may I ask something?" Luffy said a bit nervous if she is going to hit him or not. Nami simple nodded while taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well is it okay if I get some money to buy pads I don't have any and I always need to buy a new pair. That normally spends up all my money that I try to save up." Luffy look up worried if she was going to hit him.

"Yes yes of course why would you think I say no."

"Well because you don't like giving away your money and that I am in debt." Luffy sipped on more of his apple juice. Nami sighed felt like she messed up big time. She was the reason why he wasn't able to buy the needs of him to live.

"Fine I will help you buy pads but and panties but you have to promise me to take more showers."

"Actually you can join Nami, Chooper, and I when we take bathes." Robin said calmly.

"Hmm sure if it means not getting in trouble I am fine with it." Luffy saying with a big smile.

"Now that we got that out the way I always wanted to play dress up with one of you boys. I will get some of the clothes." Nami snicked while going to her bags. Luffy stop smile and looked at her shocked.

"Hey I never agreed to this." Luffy shot up and started to run to the door. He was almost there until arms pop out of his back and hold him down. Luffy look down to see it was Robin. The arms rolled him back to Robin and she look down at him with a small smile.

"Can you please do it for me. I want to know a dress looks on you?" Robin asked. Luffy looked up at her and smiled. He couldn't say no to Robin. He can to Nami though.

"Fine I will but just this once." Once Luffy said that the arms around him let go. He slowly got up and started to strip. First taking off his shirt giving it to Robin when he was done. When Nami came back he was naked. Not embarrassed to be naked. Not the first time it happened and not the last. When Nami looked up from the outfit she picked out she almost passed out. Seeing Luffy naked is something she doesn't except to see.

"LUFFY WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!" Nami screamed and started hitting him on the head. Luffy bends down and cover his head.

"You wanted to to change into the outfit so I got naked what do you want me to do." Luffy cried out while running away from nami.

"I WANT YOU TO CHANGE IN THE BATHROOM NOT IN FRONT OF ME!" Nami through the clothes at him. She went up to him and push him to the bathroom. She sat on the couch with Robin who was giggle at the whole thing. She gave Nami a hug to calm her down.

"Sorry for not stopping him." Robin said patting her back. Nami and robin wait for Luffy while drinking their coffee and joking around on how he would look. About 5 minutes went by and the door to the bathroom slide open. Both woman looked at the bathroom door eager to see how their captain would look. Luffy angrily walked out the bathroom with his face blushing. From embarrassment. He had on a white crop tank top with a small angle near the top. The straps were a nice orange (#FFA500). For the bottoms he had on a kinda long jean skirt that was held up with a see through white belt. On top of the nice crop tank top was a bottom up shirt that is used as a jacket. It was also the same orange. To finish it off he had on some orange flip flops white white flowers for the strap.

Here's the picture

Nami gave luffy a big smile happy to see the outfit on him

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Nami gave luffy a big smile happy to see the outfit on him. With her holding make laughter and excitement she gave him a thumbs up while robin covered her mouth and looked he other way. Not trying to make her captain even more embarrassed that he is now.

"You.. u you looke nice." Nami said with her hands over her mouth trying to control herself.

"You guys know I hate this. I will never do this with you guys again." Luffy grabbed his card and stomped out the room to his and law's room. When he got there he put the card in the slot that opened the door. When he stomped in Law was sitting at the table reading a book and eating carrot cake. Law looked up shocked and hold back his smile.

"What's wrong?" Law asked before Luffy stomped over and sat on the near by chair and grab his cake and fork. He took a big bit of the cake and look down angrily

"My cake" Law mumbled to himself sad.

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