┆♡. O1

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The story is told in Tommy's perspective and maybe I'll change it at some point.
Warning : I don't double check my spelling!


I woke up to the my alarm. Ughhhh, so annoying. I hate waking up. Especially knowing it's my first day back at school, then I heard a knock on my window. It was probably my childhood best friend, Fuzzy. He was awesome but too chaotic. I got up and opened the window, "Did you— AAAH!" I shouted as he jumped on top of me, trapping me in his damn hug.

Fuzzy had short fluffy brown hair, brown eyes, he was Mexican so sometimes he would curse me out in Spanish. He always wore a frog bucket hat, he had a dozen in different colors just to match his outfit. Did I mention that he was really short? I think he's 5'2 at most. We're sophomores. He had freckles all over his face, looked like your basic frog obsessed girl expect he's a boy.

"Tommy!" Of course. I forgot to say that he was really clingy, am I right reader- fuck, fourth wall. This seems like a cliche book but I promise my love interest isn't a fucking 'bad boy.' He's actually a really sweet person, unlike me BUT HEY WE DON'T MENTION THAT! Oh wait, fourth wall! "What do you need?" I asked as I attempted to roll my eyes.

He just smiled widely and hugged me tighter, clingy ass bitch. "I missed you! I was gone half the summer with no internet Tom!" Fuzzy complained. I missed him too but am I going to admit that? Fuck no. Fuzzy was only this soft with me, I know why. It's because I helped him during his depression, during his home problems, everything. Don't you go thinking "Therapist friend?" Because he helps me too.

I actually don't have that much problems but when I do he helps me, he doesn't dump all his problems on me by the way. I literally ask him to! Too? I don't know which one. "I didn't miss you one bit, Fuz." I pushed him off me and chose a shirt from my closet. I took off my first one, "TOMMY WHAT THE HELL?!" Fuzzy laughed out. We are best friends and both guys I don't see the problem, I put on the one I chose.

Once we reached school we walked in together, dad didn't question why Fuzzy was in the house. I guess it was normal? When we walked in the school it was pretty normal, a few new kids but I didn't care. Fuzzy pointed towards one boy who looked lost, "That's Nova! He's from my summer camp." The way Fuzzy was talking about him I felt as though he had a crush, whatever. Fuzzy was omnisexual by the way. We walked until we finally reached our lockers, which were next to each other conveniently.

"Hey, Tommy." I heard someone say from behind, it was Ranboo. He was my gay friend, that sounds so homophobic but I promise I'm not! I only said that so you know this, he actually outed himself to the whole school by standing on a chair and loudly announcing he was gay. That's it, then he never spoke about it again. Actually I think he talks about it to Tubbo and Aimsey, his friends.

I turned around, "Hello.. Ranboo?" I partly greeted partly questioned. We didn't talk that much, he probably needed something. "I'm throwing a party! You and Fuzzy are invited and you guys can bring a guest, do you mind telling them?" I burst out laughing since he clearly saw Fuzzy standing right next to me. He looked down and smirked, "Oops, didn't see you there shorty."

Fuzzy immediately made an offended expression, "OH FUCK OFF YOU TALL ASS PRICK!" He yelled, hitting Ranboo softly. I giggled, Fuzzy was the aggressive type of you weren't as close to him. Actually he's aggressive all the time expect when he isn't, when he's not he's a wholesome little bitch boy. "Calm down, calm down! I'm sorry!" Ranboo chuckled. He handed us both party invitations and walked away.

"Basic white boy, no offensive Tommy." Fuzzy whispered the first part, of course he did.

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