┆♡. O2

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I have a funny joke, 1+1=3 because you got a mommy and a daddy then they have a baby.

I also have quick little explaining and don't act like a fucking idiot when I explain this to you and the simplest way, 'Kay?

I am adding Krew in this book, okay?
Krew is a group of YouTubers that have 5 siblings, right?
4 of them are girls, Rainbow, Gold, Funneh, and Lunar.
The 5th one is a boy, his name is Draco. NOT DRACO MALFOY!

Jeez no matter how much I try to explain in my other books every-fucking-body things I'm talking about DRACO MALFOY!!!!!!! DRACONITEDRAGON, DRACO FROM KREW!!!


Fuzzy and I headed to class, we needed to be early. We planned on getting perfect attendance this year, even if we were sick. Which we won't be. Guess who we bumped into on the way to class? Don't even say Ranboo because no.. it's not. It was this mother fucker named Wilbur who's if you don't know my brother! "Fuzzy, move out the way." He said rudely.

He always found Fuzzy annoying but I knew his true feelings, he loves Fuzzy as a brother just like me. "You British people are assholes!" Fuzzy rolled his eyes, dramatic much- HEY DID HE INSULT BRITISH PEOPLE?! "Oh you fucking- I can't say Mexican because then it'll sound racist." He's so lucky... Wilbur chuckled before leaving.

Me and Fuzzy bickered a bit more until we finally reached class C-8, our homeroom. "Go line up in the back and wait for the other students to arrive, I am assigning your seats." Seems reasonable. Me and Fuzzy did as told, we talked quietly as all the other students came in. Some I recognized, some I didn't.

Everyone was getting told the same thing, the teacher's name was Mrs Luke. She was married, that's surprising because she's pretty strict. She's not ugly though so maybe they married her based off her looks? Okay I'm being too mean, sorry. Anyways, she sat us in a group of three. We had 23 students in homeroom. She sat me down with Fuzzy thankfully, and this boy named Ghosty.

If you even want to know the groups, here they are: Ranboo, Dream, Egan.
Funneh, Techno, Draco.
Quackity, Karl, Sapnap.
Emerald, Jupiter, Hannah.
Purpled, Puffy, Izzy.

I think it was a dumb move to put Dream and Egan in the same group. As well as Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap. But oh well. Not my problem, unless it is. The first thing she told us to do was to get to know each other. That's so dumb.. "I'm Fuzzy!" Ghosty rolled his eyes in response, a bit rude much. If Ghosty tries to be an asshole towards Fuzzy I will not hesitate to drop kick his ass.

"I know idiot. You are the most popular boy in this school, son of Deer Queen, best friends with Wilbur's brother-" HEY! "And you are extremely attractive." I have a name but I guess that ghost bitch doesn't give a fuck. I hate them already, extremely annoying. "I have a name." I corrected.

Ghosty ignored me, of course they did. It was hard to argue because Fuzzy was in the middle between us and he wasn't defending himself which got me pissed off, why wasn't he mad at Ghosty? Normally he'd be screaming his ass off...

"Pft you are such a nerd." Someone laughed, Fuzzy walked up to him. Looked him in the eye. Then smiled, everyone was confused. Until Fuzzy punched the guy in the stomach and walked away, leaving him leaning on a wall.

Yeah... Fuzzy was pretty aggressive. Wait don't we have to go to a party today? What am I doing telling you guys about CLASS! I should really do that cool skip time thing where it skips time to after school, or maybe I should switch the POV's. Yeah that'd be cool. YO WHOEVER IS WRITING THIS SWITCH THE POV PLEASE!

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