yn not well

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Bts pov
When yn said her head is hurting badly we all panicked hurriedly jk pick her up in bridal style and bring her to her room but when we see yn she fainted in jk's arms

Tae: hyung what happen to yn why she suddenly fainted 🥺

Jin: idk what happen let me call the docter

After 15 mins doctor come and check yn

Docter: sorry to say but she is too weak it may take 4 months or more than to recover

Hearing that makanes started crying

Jin: what can we do to make her recover soon😔

Doctor: give her healthy food , take medicine on time ,weakly checkup , good rest and most of all happiness

Suga: we will give her all the happiness she deserves 💜

Doctor: good I have give some injection to yn so she will probably will be sleeping till tomorrow , I will take my leave now

Namjoon: I will escort you

They both went

Jin: guys I will go prepare dinner and suga and jimin come with me and jk and tae you both stay with yn and j hope you go buy issential medicine which docter prescribed

*they all went to their assigned task *

Tae: hey princess recover soon we have to do lots of things

Jk: yes carrot we also have e to go to amusement park right but first you have to recover

*Time skip tomorrow morning *

Yn pov

I groned as I open my eyes because if light than I blink for several times and finally open my eyes 👀

Than I see jungkook and alien oppa sleeping beside me I woke them up

Yn: oppa waKE uP its MOrnIng  !!!!

They both wake up

Jk: hey princess you woke up

Tae: are you ok do you need smtg

Yn: nnnnnnooooooo I don't need anything and I am ok 👌 and bring be downstairs now

Taekook: ok

*they bring you downstairs and everyone asking questions 🙄 😒 *

Jhope: baby u ok ?

Suga: does it hurt somewhere 😔?

Namjoom: do you want to drink water

I got irrated and shout


Everyone got silent 🤫

Jin: princess we are ~~~~~*he was gonna say smth but a guard intruped him

Gurad: sir a boy is out there he is calling himself cha eun-woo

Yn: ennu yahhh let him In*cold*

Guards let him in

Eun-woo: hey yn ...WHAT THE HELL

yn: yahh eun-woo li-sten to me fir-st please

Eun-woo: ok but I think you guys are her stepbrothers

Bts : yes we are her stepbrothers and I think you are his bestfriend from child hood

Bts: yup we are

Eun-woo: myself cha eun-woo yn's bestfriend

Jk: oh you you are that eun-woo guy

Eun-woo: now tell me how did this happen yn

Yn: actua-lly *yn tells him the full story he is boiling in anger *

Eun-woo: I will kill him 😤

Yn: ennu let's talk about this in my room please alone

Jimin: he also have a nickname and why alone in room talk Infront of is

Yn: opppppa pwease 😘😘🥺🥺🥺

Jimin: ugh fine but maintain distance

Guys let me give you the introduction to cha eun-woo


Second scariest mafia in the world

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Second scariest mafia in the world

Face and name not revel
Yn knows about him being mafia
Cold, cruel , heartless,( kind , sweet, caring, funny only for yn)

He don't know bts are also mafia because they also didn't really their face and name

Group name: bloody demon

Mafia name: Ch.en

*you will know more about yn and eun-woo and other chapters *

To be continued

Hey don't be silent readers 🙂 🥺🥺

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Hey don't be silent readers 🙂 🥺🥺

mafia stepbrothers and bold girl bts ff Where stories live. Discover now