jimin and yn

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After the final war they all went to yn's headquarters and got treated,  suga lost too much blood so he was unconscious for 8 hours and yn was having a wrist fracture and doctor told her to not move it for 2 weeks .after 3 years yn and eun-woo got more close to each other and bts dad got retired from being mafia king and all the 7 guys inherited the throne of mafia king and now it's yn's turn to get thr throne of mafia queen , after 3 days it's her coronation ceremony  everyone is preparing for it

Jimin: ( he came to yn's room To give her dress and heels for ceremony) hey princess,  here is your dress

Yn: thank you oppa for bringing it here

Jimin: no problem,  try it if there is any fitting issue tell me I will give ot for fixing

Yn: ok oppa , well can I ask you something

Jimin: yes ynieee what is it

Yn: umm oppa I am nervous,  my heart is beating soo fast , I am having soo many thoughts

Jimin: *smiles* aww it's natural yn , when we were having our own coronation ceremony we were also soo nervous but we all thought that we are going to be mafia kings , there is nothing to be scared of want on the throne like a queen like you are

Yn: yes oppa I will keep your words in mind

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