Chapter 4 - HELLO DOCTOR

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Sinclair POV

-Later, sweet?-

What did she mean by that?

Nope. She was not going to wait and find out. Home was where she sh ould be. Far from the tempting professor.

She was almost out of the building when her path was blocked by Sandy and the spice girls.

-Really? Isn't this overrated?- This was so old school.

"What does she see in you, Chinese girl?" God! No originality.

Sinclair was tempted to speak in Mandarin to prove her point. But she didn't know the language. A pity.

-Old mother English it is then.-

"Chinese girl, really? That's the best you can come up with?" That gave her nemesis a pause. Oh, the bitch was trying to think with her fish brain for a good comeback.

"You are nothing. We don't even know your name. You are poor, deaf, and...and...ugly. Yeah," she huffed. The backup singers nodded. All trying to look fierce. Jesus! She pitied the girl. Even grade-schoolers can do better than that. Shaking her head, Sinclair decided it was not worth it.

She wouldn't lose her precious planned future just because of petty jealousy from brainless Scientifically enhanced racks. Yeah. She knew their pair of beauties were faked.
And her backpack was quite heavy and weighing her down so she left it at that and decided to walk away.

Miscalculation had once again bitten her in the ass when she least expected it. petite, her baggage heavy plus the girl was almost twice her size, Sinclair fell on her back with a painful thud. Shit! She groaned. That will leave a bruise.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Perfect timing professor. From the corner of her left eye, she saw Ireney menacing stance. Irene's hands were clenched and she was swearing the air blue. The girls look shocked.

"Prof...professor, it was that deaf's..." Sandy tried to explain, on the verge of tears. Nice dramatics.

"Don't even finish that sentence." Irene said it so softly yet so deadly. Seething with rage. Irene moved in front of Sinclair and she couldn't hear her anymore.

What she got were bits and pieces about suspension and meeting the parents. Shit! She didn't have a representative.

And why couldn't she hear Irene? She touched her right ear in panic. Her fucking aide. She crawled to look for it on the concrete pathway.
Finding her precious gadget, tears filled her eyes. Oh, no! It was broken.

She glanced up when someone touched her shoulder gently. The hot professor helped her up and kept talking to her. Unfortunately, her left ear can only pick up faint vowels.

She tapped Irene on her forearm to show Irene her damaged hearing aid and pointed her ear.

"I'm sorry, sweet. This shouldn't have happened" Irene sign hands.

She gasped. "You sign?"

"Of course. I took units in Special Ed. Are you okay?

She nodded. Then her eyes filled with tears again.

-I don't have my hearing aid anymore. You can talk near my left ear but...- She shrugged helplessly.

Irene wiped her tears with her soft hands. Sinclair noticed she still looked angry.

-Don't worry, sweet. We will figure out something. Come on. Let's go meet a friend- Irene said.

Irene relieved of her heavy backpack and she was grateful but... Sinclair tapped Irene's arm

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