Boy Friends

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Ok yall need to fucken chill with yalls horny ass hormones! So my school has two campuses lets call them the south and the west campus well we all kinda had a combined over night trip to Atlanta... Anyways my friend from the south campus has a boyfriend well I have never met them over at the south campus cause your fucken campuses don't mingle. Anyways I meet her boyfriend days before they were havering like relationship issues so I went to talk to the jerk and he acted like he fucken loved her I mean I really belived he fuck did like what the fuck I though he was the real mother fucken MVP for careing for her so much.... Turns out today that he has feelings for me and he is going to brake up with his girl friend who is like my fucken bestfriend for me ... Like dude get the fuck out! How can u say you love my best friend and then go with your horny ass and want me that's not cool you fucken cunt! Like chill the fuck out I wasent even going to date your crusty ass just cause you dated her so take 14273839 steps the fuck back and get your shit straight! That's it for tonight bye!

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