Red ace is good at fighting, but mainly martial arts and different styles of boxing.Abilities: He has the ability of demonic ice manipulation, the ability to generate manipulate and shape ice from hell. This ability was given to him by slender when he became a proxy but to master it he trained with glacial the ice demon king.
Ace is also strong enough to lift double his own body weight and is very quiet and quick on his feet
Fave color(s): blue,black,purle
Fave food:human hearts
Likes: hearts, sleep, rainy days, the dark, the cold, fighting, Sharp things, guns, snow and winter, eating ice and killing people
Dislikes: ignorant people, people who talk fast and talk a lot, heat, light, anyone who claims to be better than him and doesn't want to prove it.
Noticable marks: when he doesn't have a shirt (basically never has a shirt) he has tattoos one going from his left lower abs to his left shoulder, demon wings on his back, the proxy sign on his left shoulder, and a tribal tattoo design adding on to the proxy symbol on his left shoulder to his left hand
Scar: one over his heart in the shape of an X and one on his right arm that goes across his bicep
Way of killing: he is known for killing depending on his mood but since he is a cannibal he carves his victims hearts out of they're chest. But before he does he scares them and tends to be very seducing during kills and calls the victims kitty
Theme song: fragile by tech n9ne