Yoonseok- maybe... you're my drug

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Hoseok was stumbling through a stranger's house. He couldn't remember how he got there but he didn't care at the moment. He was high as fuck. A wobbly feeling was pumping through his body, his head was spinning like crazy and his vision had gotten blurry.

Hoseok had found himself a spot on a couch with multiple other people. He was resting his head on someone's shoulder, their legs tangled together. He didn't care who the stranger was, and wouldn't for a while.


Hoseok opened his eyes, he was no longer on the couch but a bed. The light from the street lights outside shined in through the blinds, and there was a smell of pot, and other substances, floating around.

He sat up and glanced at the clock on the bedside table, it read 4 AM. Then he looked beside him, there was a rather good-looking, shirtless, stranger lying next to him. He had silver hair, sharp-looking eyes, and a cute button nose.

The stranger then opened his eyes, sat up, and stretched, while Hoseok didn't, and couldn't, take his eyes off of him,
"What?" The stranger asked in an intimidating tone. Hoseok shook his head, waking himself up from his daydream, and looked away,
"S-sorry didn't mean to stare," Hoseok apologized, the other chuckled,
"Don't need to be sorry, I know I'm good-looking," he said with a smirk on his face which made Hoseok scoff,
"Someone has a healthy ego," he said under his breath,
"Yeah, I do. You backed up my statement just a few hours ago," the stranger said and chuckled again. Hoseoks eyes shot wide open,
"What?! What did we do! What happened?! What did I say?!" He turned his whole body around to face the stranger,
"Calm down, we didn't fuck, although you wanted to. You just sucked me off then we smoked a joint, made out and you fell asleep," he explained without a single care in the world. Hoseok on the other hand was hiding his face in embarrassment,
"Oh god, oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no," he repeated himself and fell back on the bed, face first. The other sighed,
"You weren't bad, don't worry," he said. Hoseok scoffed and sat back up,
"D'you seriously think that that's what's bothering me?"
"Dude, I don't fucking care what's bothering you," the stranger said and rolled his eyes. He then reached over to the bedside table and got his vape pen, he took a long drag and exhaled in Hoseoks direction,
"Want some?" The stranger offered Hoseok, he took it without a single thought,
"Thanks," Hoseok took a few drags and then gave it back.
"So, why are you so freaked out?" The stranger asked,
"Thought you didn't care," Hoseok scoffed,
"I don't, I'm just curious," the other said as he blew a cloud of smoke in Hoseok's face. Hoseok sighed and laid back down next to the stranger,
"I've been trying to break the habit of letting myself cut loose, to keep my reputation," he vaguely explained,
"What reputation? Who are you?"
"I'm Hoseok, Jung Hoseok. The son of Jung Dongjun. If the wrong person sees me here I'm screwed," the stranger "oh-ed" and nodded,
"Right, your father was the founder of... something. Anyway, you don't have to worry, no one else saw you in this state except me and one other dude who claimed to be your friend," Hoseok turned his head,
"What other dude? What's his name?"
"Umm... I wanna say Namjoon. But I don't really remember," Hoseok let out a relieved sigh,
"Ok, he's clear. By the way, what's your name and how do you not care about exposing me?" Hoseok asked,
"I'm Min Yoongi. I'm a drug dealer and I don't give a shit about ruining some rich, pretty boy's life," he answered and took another drag, then offered the vape to Hoseok. Hoseok blushed and took it,
"Min Yoongi... I feel like I've heard that name somewhere..." Hoseok trailed off and took a few drags,
"Probably have, I'm quite well known. If you're familiar with the name of Kim Seokjin, then you've probably heard my name a lot," Yoongi added, which sparked a memory in Hoseoks mind,
"Oh yeah! Seokjin is one of my friends, he talks about you supplying him with a bunch of shit for his parties and what not,"
"He's my best client, always leaves a nice tip."

They chattered, vaped, and laughed together for a while. Both of them ignored the fact that they were half-naked, relatively high, and well-known "public" figures, especially Hoseok.

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