Family friend pt.4

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Hoseok POV

For the past few weeks, I've been seeing Yoongi very often. Almost every day after school, I go over to his place. He always greets me with a smile and when I'm inside our lips lock instantly, he pulls me close to his body and we disappear into our world.
Every moment with him is magical, his touch is soft and careful. He treats me so well and always takes care of my needs.

Yoongi's birthday was nearing and he had decided to throw a type of dinner party at a very lovely restaurant. He had invited my dad and his new girlfriend Minji, they had finally come clean about their relationship, and of course me. I even received my own invitation, separate from my dad's, Minji was his plus one so she didn't get one (ha, L). I was quite excited about this dinner party, there would be many of Yoongi's close friends and family, a great way to socialize and meet old (-ish) people. I knew Yoongi's siblings had kids who are my age, which is great because then I get to meet people who might share my interests.

What I wasn't excited about was deciding what present to get him. He has everything he wants or needs and when I asked him about it he said "Anything you'd get me I would love," it's sweet but doesn't help one bit.
I decided to ask my dad what he was thinking of getting Yoongi.

"Hey, Dad," I said as I walked into his study, he looked up at me and smiled,
"Hey, Hoseok," he greeted me back and resumed his work,
"I have a question," I said, he hummed and said,
"Alright, shoot,"
"What are you getting Yoongi for his birthday?" Without sparing me a glance he replied,
"I am getting him a new watch and a bottle of scotch, why?"
"I just don't know what to get him, thought that maybe you had some suggestions," I answered and hummed again,
"I see, you could get him a massage gun, he's always whining about his sore muscles or cologne. Oh, a new wallet, he's had the old one for like fifteen years," he explained and I slowly nodded my head,
"Wow, thanks, Dad. I'll keep that in mind," he nodded,
"No problem, but if you can't find anything we can just gift him the watch altogether," he added,
"I'm sure I'll be able to get him a present on my own, thanks tho," I said,
"Ok, if you say so," I smiled and turned to leave,
"See ya, Dad," I said as I exited his room,
"Bye," he replied and I could hear him type away at his computer.

I decided to get Yoongi cologne and a new wallet as well as a small secret gift I was planning on gifting him later.

On the day of the dinner, I was more nervous than I thought I'd be. I was freaking out about what I should wear and how I should style my hair. I had clothes scattered everywhere, it was a mess. I got my phone and asked my friends for help, I snapped a few photos of a few of the outfits I was thinking of wearing. I paced around the room with the last outfit on. While nervously biting my nails I waited for a response from my friends.



I don't know, I feel like it's not the right vibe

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I don't know, I feel like it's not the right

Skj :
I think it's fine, you look great and I'm sure no one will think you're dressed "wrong"

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