#10 - New Roommates

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"I have never lived with a single male before, not even with my ex. Now you're asking me to stay with not one, not two, but seven males?" With my arms folded I quietly speak to Namjoon around the corner to my living room, where the remaining six stars are all seated.

"I know I know, but it's temporary! They should be fine by tomorrow morning with the right amount energy to go back," Namjoon says in a hushed voice.

Narrowing my eyes, I give in. I can't leave them to sleep outside because that's too cruel.

The options are to cram them in my spare room or to separate them into my living room too.

"But I should warn you: remember how I was really hungry after coming down here? Well they're most likely going to be hungry too. However this time you'll be serving for...six," he grimaces at his own words, watching my face scowl.

"I can help you! I've never cooked before so who knows? I could be pretty good in the kitchen," he shrugs.

"And what makes you think I'm cooking anything? I'm ordering pizzas but by all means, be my guest," I gesture my hands towards my kitchen with a forced smile, watching his eyes glare into mine.

Leaving him in the hallway, I dial the pizza place and place an order for three boxes. Actually, maybe four. Who knows how hungry these guys actually are.


It turns out they were very hungry.

In fact, they were so hungry the six of them more or less ate all of the pizzas in one go leaving barely anything for Namjoon and I.

Now there's two of us, and only one pizza left.

"Namjoon, you're practically drooling all over it so just have it," I watch Namjoon's eyes double in size as he stares at the pizza.

"But you haven't eaten anything. It's bad for humans to skip meals because you'll become ill, so you take it," he pushes the plate over to me.

The six stars silently watch us debating over who gets the pizza, their eyes fixed onto the food as it constantly keeps getting pushed between Namjoon and I.

"Skipping one meal isn't that bad."

"Yes it is," he snaps back. "I care about you Narae, and I don't want you to skip eating because of me so please take it."

As I look into his eyes I can tell he's serious about this. He genuinely wants me to eat something even if it is only something little. At the end of the day, food is still food.

Standing up from my seat I walk towards one of my drawers, pulling out a knife. Out of the corner of my eye I see one of the stars take a couple steps backwards.

"There's no need to get violent," Number six mumbles, folding his arms and staring at the knife in my hand with judgemental eyes.

"Relax, I'm cutting it into two," I do as I said I would and hand Namjoon one of the cut slices. "So now we both can eat."

Namjoon tries to be annoyed at me but when the mini pizza slice is inches away from his mouth, his hunger takes over and devours it in seconds.

I then hear someone lightly clear their throat and I turn to be facing who I think is number five.

He hesitates to look me in the eye but I know exactly what he wants when he shyly holds out his hand.

I chuckle and slip my hand into his. He fights back a smile, mumbling a 'thank you'.

"I want some too!" Number three shoots out of his seat and scurries to the other side of me, eagerly holding out his hand.

"This just gets weirder and weirder," I mutter, before smiling and connecting my hand with his.


"Have you decided who's sleeping where yet?" Entering my spare room, I glance around at the seven of them all stood around the one double bed.

"Well number seven has the least amount of energy so he can go in the bed," Namjoon indicates to the star already slipping underneath the covers.

"Number two also was quiet warn out, so you can go in with number seven," Namjoon then looks towards the slightly smaller man with his arms crossed.

"Number five needs it more than I do, he lost more energy than me," The star known as number two casually grumbles in response.

Namjoon looks over at star number five, who is avoiding eye contact with all of us out of shyness. I've noticed he does that a lot.

"Five?" Namjoon reaches out and pats his shoulder. "You can stay with seven, okay?"

Number five nods and climbs under the covers too.

"Now for the rest of you," Namjoon claps his hands together, spinning round to face the remaining four.

"I'll go on the sofa," Number four announces, walking out the room.

"What is it with you humans and sleeping anyway?" Number six scoffs, placing his hand on his hip. "Stars never ever sleep, but it seems like to you guys you worship the damn thing."

How does one even reply to that? Sleep is sleep. Not really much else to it.

"Stop complaining, six. You did this to yourself when you made the choice to come down here and weaken yourself. You need your energy back and this is the only way to do it," Namjoon steps in, grabbing a pillow from the side and shoving it in his hands.

"Now go onto the sofa with three," he orders and points to the door, in which number six reluctantly obeys.

"I'll sleep on the ground," Number two says, taking a seat on the floor at the foot of the bed.

I get him a spare pillow from my room with a blanket, and the last star (number three) decided to sleep in the living room on the ground too.

"Now that leaves you," I say to the moon. "Where will you go?"

"Oh, I don't sleep," he turns it down.

"You should try it. You'll feel a whole lot better in the morning," I try to tempt him.

Namjoon ponders over it, looking around the hallway and then settling his eyes back on me.

"There's no space anywhere, where do I sleep?"

My mouth speaks before I can register my words.

"My room."

"Oh. Is there space for two people on your bed?" He innocently asks.

I don't know why I wasn't expecting that. It's obvious he wants to share a bed because to him it's normal.

But I'm too tired to correct or argue with him, so instead I nod and we both enter my room he was once in when I first saw him.

The memory of him sat on my bed with the creepy yet cute smile still replays in my head.

"So...now what?" He whispers next to me, as we're both now lying down underneath my covers.

"Now we sleep," I mumble, already feeling my eyes becoming heavy and fall into slumber. "Goodnight Namjoon."

I'm pretty sure I hear him say it back before I do.

My Little Moon - Kim Namjoon ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now