#13 - Eight

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"Do I look dead to you?" The sarcasm drips off Haeyoung's tone, taking a bigger step backwards.

Now Jungkook comes out of the spare room, probably wondering where Yoongi went.

When his eyes land on Haeyoung he also becomes surprised, but not as surprised as Yoongi.

Namjoon catches Jungkook's eye and sends a nod in his direction. Without hesitation Jungkook grabs Yoongi's arm and pulls him away from Haeyoung and back into the spare room.

"Just a moment," Namjoon skids towards the room and also enters, slamming the door firmly closed behind him.

What the hell just happened?

Does Yoongi know Haeyoung? By the look on his face he's defintely seen her before.

"Do you know who that was?" I quickly scramble over to Haeyoung.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" She whisper-shouts. "Who the hell was he?!"

"He's one of Namjoon's friends. Do you know him? Have you seen him anywhere?"

"No, I've never seen him before! Am I supposed to know him or something? Because he seemed to know me," Haeyoung crosses her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

"Don't tell me I have a secret admirer too!" She then exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Hang on," I tip-toe over to the spare room, knocking firmly on the door.

Seconds later it slightly opens, revealing half of Jungkook's face.

"Is everything okay?" I question.

"Of course!" The tone of his voice tells me otherwise. "Everything is fine. We'll be out in a minute!"

Then he slams the door closed again.

Blinking, I walk back and lay eyes on Haeyoung sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, chin rested on her hand and deep in thought.

"I think I should just go," she then says, standing up and grabbing her bag. "That guy gives me the creeps and I don't wanna be out here when they come back out."

Honestly, it's probably best she does leave. I need to figure out why Yoongi was so overwhelmed to see her and I don't think he's going to say anything with Haeyoung still here.

"You can take half of the food," I grab one of the bags and hand it to her. She doesn't question it and takes it.

Once she's left I hurry back over towards the spare room, knocking louder this time.

"Haeyoung's left, you can come out," I yell loud enough for all three of them to hear.

The door fully opens this time, and Namjoon is stood at the doorway.

"She left?" He questions, and I nod.

Sighing, he turns his head over his shoulder to glance at Yoongi and Jungkook, then steps out of the room followed by the said two stars.

Yoongi avoids eye contact with me as he does, and he somewhat looks annoyed. Angry, even. The clench of his jaw gives it away.

Jungkook is last to come out, and softly smiles at me. However he looks a little nervous.

"Anyone gonna tell me what just happened?" I stand in between the three of them in my living room.

Yoongi's slumped onto my sofa, Jungkook's stood next to me and Namjoon is leaning against the far wall with his hands in his pockets.

"Why don't you ask him?" Yoongi mutters, nodding his head over to the moon.

Groaning, I take a seat on the coffee table in front of Yoongi making his eyes flicker up.

"No, I'm going to ask you. How do you know Haeyoung? And why are you surprised she's...alive?" I make sure my voice is firm so he knows I want an answer.

"It's complicated," Yoongi mumbles, then snapping his eyes over to Namjoon. "You told me she was dead. Why the hell did you lie to me?"

"Why do you think?" Namjoon replies. "It was for your own good. I did what needed to be done."

Shaking his head in annoyance, Yoongi sharply stands up. Ignoring both Jungkook and Namjoon's calls, he storms out of the house. Namjoon runs after him leaving myself and Jungkook still in the living room.

"I'm sorry about this," Jungkook speaks before I can. "Namjoon will explain everything to you."

"Can't you tell me? Or anyone at this point?"

Namjoon re-enters, pinching the bridge of his nose and we both notice Yoongi isn't with him. Meaning he really did go back.

"Don't even think about following him, Five. You're staying here until the morning. Understood?" Namjoon points at Jungkook.

Jungkook sighs and nods, knowing not to go against him.

"Explain, now!" I impatiently yell so he'll get my attention. "How does Yoongi know Haeyoung?"

Namjoon glances over at Jungkook, shoulders slumping in defeat and he gestures for me to sit down on the sofa, which I do. He sits down opposite on the coffee table, Jungkook sat beside me.

"You cannot tell Haeyoung what I'm about to say, Narae. Not until the time is right. I need you to promise me," It almost sounds as if he's ordering me.

"Fine, I promise."

"Remember what I said the other day, about one of the worst punishments a star could possibly receive from me?" Taking a breath, Namjoon begins to finally answer my question.

Slowly, I nod. I think I do recall what he said.

"You said the worst punishment was being permanently banished to Earth as a human, and you're no longer a star anymore," I say, and Namjoon hums in agreement.

"Correct. But there was something I never told you about that; something I left out," His voice becomes less harsh, and softer than before.

"The punishment of turning a star into a human does come with an advantage; we wipe their memories to the point that all they can remember is being a human and nothing more."

"So all they have is a recollection of being human, and not being a star? They remember nothing?"

Namjoon nods.

"It's like having a clean slate; a chance to start over without realising it," Jungkook now speaks up.

It's like a light switch has finally been flicked in my head. Rising to my feet, my eyes are stuck onto Namjoon's in realisation.

"Narae," Namjoon stands with me, Jungkook following.


It can't be.

"Haeyoung used to go by another name, years ago. She was known as number 8."

My Little Moon - Kim Namjoon ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now