the very first night / hank thompson

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warnings - angst, implied mentions of trauma and death, hank still misses manny

after knowing hank for a while, and growing feelings for them you finally get the guts to ask her out..

male!reader and hank has they/she/he pronouns :)

this is mostly for me
happy birthday to swiss army man  (6/24/16)

it's been a while since you and hank have known each other since the two of you have grown significantly closer to the other since your feelings for them have grown more and more into something more than just a friendship type way.. and now you've finally grown the guts to ask hank out on a date so you can tell her how you feel about him.

"a date?" hank asks "like a date date?"

you nod your head "yeah, a date date what other kinds are there?"

hank laughs covering their face with their hand, you just stare in awe at hank and take in her laugh and the quirk of his.. it's just everything they're everything..

you snap out of your thoughts as hank speaks again "i don't know but i didn't expect for you to ya know, just ask me out on a date... but i don't dislike the fact that you did.. cause i really really do like you, haven't felt this way since... since manny.. plus manny.. manny was the only person i actually took on date if we count that as one.. but yeah.. of course, i'll go with you.. don't know if i'll be any good at it and i just know i'm gonna be all awkward and shit but i'll go out with you"

you grin at them, excited that hank actually said yes, that hank possibly feels the same way about you as you do her, "that's great! you're great! you're not gonna regret this i swear it!"

"i'm sure i won't" hank smiles at you his face so bright with genuine happiness.

you smile back gentler now, taking hanks hand into your own "you won't"

it was the night of your date and as per-request of hank, it was something small where it's just the two of you like it has been so it's something at your place, with something you cooked it didn't matter to you what kind of date it was as long as hank was happy, and has long as you two were together that was all that matter to you.

you took hanks hand leading them through the door of your place, closing it softly with a click behind you both.

hank squeezes your hand, and looks at you smiling "thank you for having it here, and not at some restaurant or something i actually really appreciate it..."

"yeah of course hank.. as long as you're comfortable and happy it doesn't matter to me where we go, where we are has long as i'm with you that's all that matters" you tell them, leading him to the kitchen,

when hank steps into the kitchen she lets out a soft gasp at the view at the sight, the table already
set up with a candle in the centre rose petals over the tabletop and candles on the counters it looks exactly like one of those outrageously fancy restaurants that are way too expensive, hank couldn't believe someone would do this for them.

"this looks... looks- wow" is all that he could get out

"you like it? took me forever to find those funky candles with the covers over them" you laugh "and the food isn't anything special just some alfredo with bread.. the only thing i can actually make but i really hope you-"

you're cut off by hank pecking the side of your mouth, your face went bright red as she spoke, "shut up, it looks great.. amazing and i do like it i like it so much alright? so so much so don't worry"

you just nod your head, squeezing hanks hand that hasn't left yours the entire time you've been here, you lead them over to the table and sit them  down before taking your own seat in front of her.

the entire meal was filled with the chatter of you both, you talked about everything and nothing at all, hank told you more about what happened between him and manny, how someone.. how manny gave a fuck, and actually cared about him,  and finally made him feel like a person again made him feel worth something.. but then he lost manny and got called crazy and stupid again and just slipped back into that dark place before meeting manny and it's been hard on him, but then he met you, amazing, beautiful you.. and everything changed everything was good again, because of you..

after you both finished eating you let out a sigh, now is finally the time, the time you're finally going to reveal your feelings for the person in front of you.

"hank?" you asked


"i gotta tell you something and it's important, and it's something i've been meaning.. wanting to tell you for a while now, so i just figured now was a good time and"

your cut off the tracks again as hank lays a hand on top of yours and reassures you with a gentle smile, "you're rambling again, you can tell me"

"alright.." you take a deep breath and finally tell hank how you feel, "hank i think i'm in love with you.. like really really in love with you and kinda have been for a while and it's probably stupid but i am and i totally get and understand if you don't feel the same way but-"

hank shuts you up again, this time by leaning over the table and bringing you into a kiss the kiss doesn't last long but it last long enough for you to know how hanks lips feels and how perfectly they fit against yours and you long to kiss them again longer next time..

hank laughs before speaking again, "again with the rambling, listen i feel the same way.. i don't know if it's love right now i really hope it is, cause i don't even is anymore because i get called a freak and crazy for it no matter what, but i really feel it is love.. i want it to be, but for right now all i can tell you is i feel the same.. and hopefully, soon i'd be able to tell you that i love you."

you bring hank into another kiss, longer this time enjoy the feel of their lips against your own it was like you were made for each other the way you fit together the way your lips move together it was perfect, hank was perfect.

when you pull apart hank leans her forehead against your own, "i like that.. i like kissing you.. like i can breath again after so long.. ha.. that's stupid i-"

"you're not stupid hank.. you're.. shit you're everything, you're amazing, you're beautiful, you're smart, fuck you're everything.."

hank just pecks your lips again, "thank you.."

"you don't gotta thank me hank.. because it's all true, hank you deserve all the good things in life even if you don't think so you really do.."

"you keep saying my name like that.. like it's the only thing you wanna say it's gonna make me cry" hank chuckles.

"hank, hank, hank." you chant.

"fuck you make me feel all stupid and giddy inside," hank tells you.

"good.." you tell them "you wanna go watch a movie now? you get to pick what it is this time."


so you and hank went to watch a movie, with hank picking some random romcom from your collection and that's how you spent the rest of the night, cuddled up on the couch watching a movie together until the two of you eventually drifted off to sleep.

first fic in a month ohmygod
so like sorry if this is shit.

and this would have been out earlier but been watching wrestling (sorry)

please make requests so i may actually have the motivation to write..

anyway hope you liked this

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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