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~Not To Fond of You Either~
Words: 1623

I woke up in the hospital with the Wolfhard Family, Police, and Doctors around me

"Wha-what am I doing here? I need to go home, I need to!" I said angrily trying to get up

"Ma'm we need you to rest" the doctor said

"No I can rest at home" I said while getting up

The doctors put me back in the bed, while I smacked the female doctor because they were trying to hold me down

"Damn" Finn said

"Shh" Mary said while smacking his arm




I was pissed off then they drugged me again

I woke up with a massive headache

Still in the Hospital bed but this time no one was here, I tried to get up but my hands and legs were strapped down

"Fuck" I whispered to myself

The doctor came in and said "Hello Miss Brown"

"Let me the hell out of here" I said firmly

"Miss we strapped you down because you attacked one of our doctors" He said

"I want a female doctor" I spoke

"Miss none of them are available right now" he replied

"LIAR" I yelled

The doctor left for about an hour then I just fell back to sleep

I woke up with Eric and Mary in-front of me

"Mary?! Eric?!" I said

"Yes sweetie its us were here to talk about where your going to stay" Mary had said

"Why can't I just stay at my house" I asked

"Well because thats against the law. A minor living alone" Eric spoke

"Just give me a week so I can pack all my stuff please" I asked

They looked at each other and nodded

It would take me one night to pack all my stuff, I just didn't want to be with Finn over break

By break I mean Parent teacher conference, we get a week off cause the school is so big

The hospital made me stay 3 more days for "Recovery" its all bullshit

I went home and just went straight to bed I couldn't deal with all the stress it was hurting me so bad

I woke up and just through on some shorts and a baggy T-Shirt

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