More Than Meets The Eye pt 1

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Many millions of years ago, on the planet Cybertron, life existed. But not life as we know it today. Intelligent robots, that could think and feel, inhabited the cities. They were called Autobots and Decepticons. But the brutal Decepticons were driven by a single goal, total domination. They set out to destroy the peaceful Autobots, and a war between the forces of good and evil raged across Cybertron, devastating all in its path; draining the planet's once rich sources of energy. The Autobots, on the verge of extinction, battled valiantly to survive. They had allies in the form of The Maximals, Protectons

Wheeljack: There's not enough energy in
these conductors to last a quartex.

Bumblebee: Well, at least we found these Wheeljack.

Wheeljack: and when these run out?

Bumblebee: Can't worry about that now. Hey, let's get back to Iacon.

Then Wheeljack transformed into a transport Vehicle

Wheeljack: Load up!

Shockjaw: I bet Optimus Prime
will be glad to see us Wheeljack.

Wheeljack: indeed my minicon partner

Shockjaw then transforms into a communication box and sat in a spot in Wheeljack's cockpit, then Bumblebee jumped into the back with the conductors, Wheeljack drove through a part of Cybertron

Wheeljack: We're nearing the bridge to Iacon. One mega-mile to go.

Bumblebee: ah, home sweet home.

Shockjaw: recovery team to base, come in

???: we hear you loud and Clear Shockjaw

As they neared base, they see a group of bots

Shockjaw: they look Decepticon

Wheeljack: Uh-oh. A Decepticon welcoming committee.

Unknown Seeker: Autobots! Stop them!

The Seekers open fire on them, but the blasts ricochet

Bumblebee: Prime told me there'd be days like this.

Wheeljack: and you didn't believe him?

Bumblebee: Well I do now.

Wheeljack: we gotta get these energy
conductors back to Iacon!

Bumblebee: I'm right behind ya!

Bumblebee then transforms into a strange plane

Then Wheeljack had his front bumpers turn into cutting tools

Wheeljack: Mind if I cut in?

Wheeljack and Bumblebee then rammed them, then one of the Seekers helped another up

???: you ok Solarflare

Solarflare: I'm fine,After them!

The Seekers then transform into jets that slightly resemble Lippisch P.13a Ramjet Aircraft and fly after them

???: Solarflare, we need to Intercept them from the front

Solarflare: good idea Stormcloud

They then transform and fly ahead of the others

Meanwhile, two Seekers straffe the trio as they drove under a underpass, one of the Seekers crash into it and falls

Wheeljack: Bumblebee! Get in, quick!

Bumblebee climbs into the cargo vault

Wheeljack: You all right?

Bumblebee: Yeah. I... th-think it's my... rear axle.

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