Attack of the Autobots

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We see Three Decepticons fly towards the Autobot base, we cut to the Autobots working on something until the alarm goes off

Optimus Prime: Teletraan 1, report.

Teletraan 1: Decepticons approaching from south-west quadrant.

Optimus Prime: Autobots, transform!

The Autobots transform

Optimus Prime: Roll out!

They drive outside where they are attacked by Starscream, Tyrannix, and Skywarp

Soundwave: Rumble, Laserbeak, distract the Autobots.

Rumble and Laserbeak go after the Autobots

Prowl: (Pants) I'll be ready for you next time, birdbrain!

Prowl shoots a Grappling Hook at Laserbeak as he flew over him

Optimus Prime: My warning diode is pulsating. Decepticon jets!

Two jets fly over them, Skywarp fires a missile at Ratchet

Optimus Prime: Look out, Ratchet!

Optimus pushes Ratchet out of the way

Ratchet: (Pants) Thanks, Prime. (Pants) Now, what about Rumble?

Rumble activates his Pile-driver arms and starts shaking up the ground

Rumble: Bye, bye, baby!

Optimus and Ratchet fall in, we cut to Megatron, Cinder, and Starscream

Megatron: This is the moment I've been waiting for. Now, Starscream!

Starscream sprays Megatron with a compound that renders him invisible.

Megatron: Excellent. My invisibility spray will provide the perfect cover for this operation. The Autobots can't defend themselves from Decepticons who aren't there.

Megatron sprays Starscream, too, and both enter Autobot Headquarters.

Megatron: Ahh, the Autobots' recharging chambers. Give me the personality destabilizer.

Megatron places the personality destabilizer inside the recharging chambers' main console.

Megatron: There now. Let's get out of here before the invisibility spray wears off. Tomorrow, when those Autobots recharge their energizers, they'll experience a transformation they won't expect. (Laughs)

They transform and fly off

Rumble: They've been fallin' a long time. Why didn't I hear 'em hit bottom?

Ratchet: Because we'd rather hit you, turkey-tron!

Then Optimus and Ratchet surprise attack Rumble as Prowl shoots at Laserbeak

Megatron: Decepticons, abandon attack! Mission accomplished!

They then retreat

Junior Xiong: Bye bye loosers

He jumps into Lugnut's cockpit and flies off

Brawn: Hey, come back! You didn't finish your nickel-plated knuckle sandwich!

Ratchet: Hmm, a hit and run raid? That's not Megatron's style.

Prowl: Perhaps we responded so quickly he had no time to achieve his objective.

Optimus Prime: Perhaps. But Megatron always has some method to his madness. And whatever it was this time, you can be sure it won't do us any good.

Autobot to Autobot

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