double trouble

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Lucifer POV

Dark snapped and we appeared in the old park. I look around turning my head lamp on. Ash and the others do the same. I look at dark and smile, "thanks for taking us here. Its way easier than driving and I'm sure we wouldve had tovlimb some sort of fence" I chuckle, he returns my smile, "not a problem dear" I laugh a little and then start full on giggling like a child. "I've always loved exploring abandoned places!" I exclaim and ash runs over and hugs me, "me too! Ooh ooh!" They pull back and look at me, "what should we do first???" They ask with a dorky smile. I look around, "let's go check out the old roller coasters! I wanna climb on em" I say excitedly. Ash agrees and the two of us take off, Wil and Anti run after us while Dark just teleports to the ride to beat us there. I smile excitedly and grab onto a tall horizontal pole and swing myself up onto the track. "What the fuck-" I hear anti sputter in surprise. "I have a membership for a rock climbing gym and I was a gymnast when I was a kid!" I laugh. Ash carefully climbs up me helping them and they start walking along the track. Dark, Wil, and anti all follow soon after. Ash is walking around on it climbing around on shit and I'm swinging on bars and climbing up shit like fucking tarzan. Dark is keeping an eye on me while Wil if climbing after ash the two of them laughing the whole way. Just as I did a two hand swing to grab another pole my hand catches on a screw and gets cut a bit causing me to lose my grip and fall. Darks eyes widen and he quickly goes to catch me but i, using my uninjured hand, catch myself on another pole. Dark stares in disbelief as I simply pullyself back up and sit down. I wince a little as I look at my hand. I pull out my first aid kit, because you always need one when doing stupid shit, and I disinfect my wound and attempt to stop it from bleeding. When it doesn't I simply put the blood covered tissue in a plastic bag to throw away later and suck the the blood out with my mouth while I prepared a bandage. I quickly put a light ointment on and covered it in gauze and a wrap. I put all the shit away and stand back up going to start climbing again. Thats when I notice dark on the beam next to me, following me up. I smile at him a little and he looks at me in confusion. "Wh- alright Lucifer dear can we please go do something a little less dangerous?" I turn my head and sigh. "Fine. ASH! LETS GO! DOING SOMETHING ELSE!" I call down to my friend they call back saying they beard me amd then climb back down. I quickly do the same and about 10 feet from the platform I jump off and land with a slight roll. I pop up onto my feet and dark is staring at me like I'm an idiot. "Lucifer you need to be more careful. Please." I tilt my head at him. "Ugh.. Fine! How about this? Let's find a cool looking ride that seems safe enough and lets hotwire it and ride that bitch!" I say with a mischievous smile. Ash quickly agrees. We wanderaround for a bit and ash and Wil quickly point out a ride. (See the right of the picture at the top of chapter) and we all head towards it. We quickly get up onto the platform and I start examining it. "If we could give it some power it'd be easy as fuck." I say. Dark appears next to me and laughs a bit, placing a hand onto it. It lights up, the lights on the ride itself does, too. I look up in awe, "fuck yeah dude!" Ash runs up and the two of us fling ourselves into the ride next to each other. We giggle like children and dark laughs a bit moving it with a wave of his hand. It starts turning and it swings us up and back down, as it comes down the part where the seats are rotates, surprising ash and I we yell and laugh. "AH- fUUUUUUuUuuuuck-" as we swing by dark, Will, and anti we yell and it gets quieter as we move away. Anti starts laughing at us. Dark chuckles lightly at our reactions. Then he slows the ride and stops us at the top. Once he does that ash and I look at each other and nod "confessions bro" ash says. I nod. They yell first, "I SAW JAMES CHARLES ASSCHEEKS!" I laugh before shouting out loud, "IVE DRAWN PORN OF FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDIES CHARACTERS" we both burst out laughing. The ride slows and brings us back down to the bottom, "the fuck was that??" Anti asks through laughs, "whenever we get to the top of a ride we always yell confessions as loud as we can because its funny." Ash replies. I snicker. Dark turns to me, "you draw Porn? Really?" he has a slight smirk on his face, "okay listen- I make money off of some of it okay? And its not like thats ALL I draw- but I have a lot of it" I laugh a little. He still smirks at me smugly. "What?" I ask feeling a bit embarrassed for some reason. This hasn't ever bothered me before.. He tilts his head, "I wonder.. Do your drawings of that nature show the kinds of things you're into? Perhaps people, or perhaps special interests in actions?" Ah hell nah bro I don't want this MF knowing about my kinks- my thoughts are filled with vague images of the stuff ive made and I quickly force my mind to blank but one thought peeks through enough for him to hear it. He hums and chuckles a bit before leaning to me ear, "choking huh? Don't worry.. Your secret is safe with me." His voice makes me shiver a little and I feel my face flush from embarrassment. I growl a little, "oh shush! Its not even that bad." I say defensively. Dark chuckles and leans away from my ear, and instead is face to face with me, staring into my eyes with mischief and amusement visible in his gaze. Anti clears his throat. We both turn and look at the other three standing there, wilford speaks up, "calm down you two! Keep it pg-13 would ya?" The mustached man chuckles. Ash speaks up, "yeah. Stop eye fucking and let's go find some more rides to fuck around on." My face flairs a bright red. I'm glad its fucking dark out here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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