chapter 6

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(Meh i was in the mood for a meme)

Your pov

I reached for my gun but the person spoke up

"Now now we don't want your throat to slashed"

"What are you?"

"Hm well why not tell you"

"This guy greated me he was tall had glasses wierd haircut and he called my thrax and i found out i was a virus"

He was talking about lucio

"Well how did the building burn down?"

"I burned it down and why are askin' me all these questions?

"Well im a cop and we do that"

"Hm a cop interesting you look way to pretty to be a cop"

"Show yourself!"

I heard him groan

"Fine baby if that's what you want"

He then walked infront of the light i almost tripped cus of shock

"Heh do i scare you?"


That's a lie

"Hm alright are you alone?"

I didn't really want to get luvcio killed so i of course lied


He smirked


I then gasped when i fept myself bieng pinned to the wall and hands on my thighs and a hot breath on my neck it was him

"H-hey let go!"

"I know your lying baby"

"N-no im telling the truth!"

I heard him scoff

"You love to lie don't you"

Thrax's pov

She was really beautiful i must admit and pinning her makes me want to do more

"If you tell me where he is i'll let you go if not well your going to have to find out"

I don't want to let her go i want her to be with me forever and i really hope she doesn't say where he is cus i want ravage her i want her i need her i need to claim her

"He's somewhere i don't know where now let me go"

I groaned and let her of course not letting go i just need to get rid of


yandere thrax x human!readerWhere stories live. Discover now