Episode 2, The Shadow, The Lightning

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*psssst BOOM* Lightning courses through, Asher dodges the stray lightning and runs to a safe corner. "Crud, THIS IS GETTING WAY OUT OF HAND!" Asher shouts as a stray bolt reaches him, almost burning his leg "EEK! (Asher shrieks then composes himself) Uhm.. i mean.. aaahh (in a manly-ish voice)". Asher sees the woman which the other guy was dating with, Asher dashes to her and asks "HI! HELLO THERE, UHM! ... WHY AREN'T YOU RUNNING AWAY'' Asher confused as heck, the woman doesn't say anything, she just smiles at Asher and looks away into the fight. Asher starts to wonder just what is going on, Asher thinks of a way to stop them. "Ok, here goes *inhale*" Asher leaps forward, pressing something on his gloves, his hands start to glow as if an AWP just appeared out of nowhere. "*BANG* (Asher fires off a warning shot to the roof, the sound of the gun silences the fighting couple) OI! LISTEN TO ME! JUST WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT DUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" Everyone grows silent.


For about 2 seconds then they start fighting again. *CRASH* "UAGH!" The receptionist gets knocked to the floor by the other guy, "YOU'RE SO WEAK MAXIM! YOU CAN'T EVEN DODGE AN ATTACK THAT SIMPLE!" The guy mocks the receptionist Maxim. "GRRRRR! I'LL SHOW YOU WEAK AMOR!" Maxim reply to the guy Amor, as he leaps forward sending lightning through his hands, "*BZZZTT* *BUAGGHH* *BOOFFFF* THUNDER FIST!" Amor gets knocked back, he almost hits the wall when he flips and lands sideways on the wall and pushes his body, he pulls out kunais out of nowhere encased in shadows, he twirls and tries to slash Maxim in full force "URAHHHHH! SWIRLING SHADOWS! *SHIUUUSSSHHHH* *SHRING SHRING*" "HEH! AS IF! (Maxim prepares for the attack, he seems to not be afraid nor he seems anxious, it was like he'd seen and countered this attack before, he prepares his body like a sumo preparing for a fight) ORAAAAAHHHH! DISCHARGE! *BZZZZTT* *VRUUUSSHHH*" Maxim starts an electric field that encases his surroundings in lightning bolts that goes off at an insane speed rate, however Amor still doesn't budge and still goes in for the attack. *SHRINGGGG* *BZZZTTR* *BOOM* a flashing light encases the entire room, Asher and the woman look away. After the light and smoke fades, Asher glances over to the wreckage, and both Maxim and Amor clash and are knocked back.

"GRRRHHH! (Amor suddenly swiped his face, closing his left eye, when he brushed it off a black mark showed up on the left side of his face) 1ST STANCE! SHADOW REALM! *FWOOSH* (Amor dashes at an unexplainable speed onto Maxim, both Amor and Maxim vanish into thin air)". Silence grew, both Asher and the woman looked around and saw nothing, then all of a sudden. *SHINGG* *PCHIUU* *FWOOSH* *SHRING* "WHAT THE HECK?" Asher yells as he sees air bursting out of nowhere. Then, "*fwoosh* GRAHH! (Maxim gets launched away out of nowhere, then Amor follows out)" "Like i said Maxim, you're weak" Amor said to Maxim condescendingly and he put his foot on his body to crush him lightly. "HEY! STOP THIS NOW!" Asher yell as he runs toward Amor and Maxim, "AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE HEROES?! WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING AGAINST EACH OTHER! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO WORK TOGETHER!" Maxim and Amor stares at Asher for a while, then. "*clapping sounds* well done Asher! You've passed our test!" The woman clapped and walked to Asher Maxim and amor. "What?" Asher replied confusedly, "i'm Angela, this is Maxim and my boyfriend Amor, we're members of team 4! Welcome to the team Asher!" *beep* the door opens, Ganesha shows up from the door with 2 other people carrying a cake "CONGRATS ON JOINING THE TEA- *party popper blows* ... What the heck?" Amor Maxim and Angela shocked and flustered, "UHM! I CAN EXPLAIN THE WRECKAGE!" Amor flustered as heck telling Ganesha that it's all fine "... why you little SHI-!"

Continued in Episode 3, The Heist

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