A new Decade

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Tree'Shade was almost done packing; Orion had not use for "things" he took note of the things Tree'Shade was packing into a small bag. Lots of fruit,and a necklace. the two informed the queen about their journey she was surprised that he was leaving so soon but allowed us to go. Tree'Shade recommended the sky wing kingdom; since a lot of dragons are moving their for jobs and such.

they exited the rain forest; oblivious of what might happen. after a bit of decision making we changed plans and we went to a place called jade mountain academy. It was a place where dragonets could learn about phyria. Sand wings. Rain wings. And even ice wing came to the academy. It was still in early development as only a few students went there.

When they arrived at the academy he was met with a strange night wing named moonwatcher. Or moon. she was nice to me but like alot of dragons asked why his eyes were pure white. I told her I don't know and went into the mountain. while walking his eyes flickered purple and he passed out.

"Hello Orion.."

It was a familiar voice but I couldn't pin point who it was.

"You must not remember...poor thing"

He growled turning around rapidly in the darkness.

"I remember you though.."

a pain shot out through Orions body it felt like his heart was being ripped out.

"There's a reason why you are cursed"

Orion couldn't breathe. He finally woke up surrounded by dragons and a worried Tree'Shade. "Orion! I-I thought you died! Y-you didn't have a pulse or anything-" Orion got up feeling dizzy. "I'm fine Tree'Shade..I've been through worse" Orion looked around at the dragons " did I make a scene...?" Tree'Shade averted his gaze to look at the other dragons. "Oh-" Orion spread his wings and said "you guys uh go!" all the the dragons left the hall or went down the hall. Tree'Shade said we should leave. Orion agreed and they walked out of the academy.

"So..uh while you were- uh sleeping did anything happen?"

"You don't need to know"

Tree'Shade studied Orion for a moment before looking away. the two lifted off and made camp in a forest Orion didint want to point out he had fire because he was a "rain wing" so he stayed quiet and made a fire with flint and steel. "Hey Tree'Shade?" his travel partner hummed in response. " can you sleep next to me Incase it happens again?" Tree'Shade got up and layed close to Orion. Orion put his head under Tree'Shades chin. the two fell asleep.

Orion was this time outside with a night wing. Their was a cliff they were looking out over. It was sunset. Orion talked but it wasn't his voice. " Shadow...? You won't do it right..." the dragon named shadow shoke his head and put his wing over me. "I have too you know I do" tears fell down my face . "Be carful ok?" shadow smiled and Orion's heart skipped a beat. He knew then and there whoever he is; this is their crush.

Orion woke up to the sun beaming on his face Tree'Shade was comfortably sleeping next to him. They were just friends; friends cuddle right?.Tree'Shade eventually woke up as well. And got off Orion. "Did you have a good night sleep?" He nodded and went over and packed up his things. "Do you know where we are going next?" Orion shrugged and said" I don't know?" his friend put on his glasses; as well as the neck pouches. "Hey Orion?" Orion looked at Tree'Shade "you know how to go invisible ?" Orion shook his head. Tree'Shade;shocked said "no. Way you have to know how!" Orion sighed . "So you have to imagine you THE earth or something and then-" Tree'Shade dissolved in to thin air "then your invisible!"

Orion followed the directions then also; dissolved in to the air. "Good job!" Orion heard tree shade laugh and couldn't help but laugh along. The two became visible once more. "Anyways want to go to the sky wing kingdom now?" He nodded and the two headed north on the way they met a dragon named Socks. He was sand wing from the scorpion Den in the sand kingdom. They exchanged suplies and continued on their way to the sky wing kingdom.

"You don't remember me?"

Orion looked behind him but saw nothing.

"Here's a hint; I was your best friend"

He thought for a moment before being interrupted by Tree'Shade.

"Hey you good? Your just starring off into oblivion;"

Orion nodded and continued flying. At this point the two were very close. But they only just met a few days ago. he took a second to look at his own scales. I look so dull he thought. Who ever heard of a dark purple rain wing? Does Tree'Shade think the same about him? Orion shook his head. Impossible if he thought I was weird he would have pointed it out. he looked over to Tree'Shade. He looks like a rain wing! I can try to change color but I still haven't mastered it. is it natural for me to have such a hard time showing emotion? Is this what the cave has done to me..? Orion finally stoped his train of thought.

He looked up to see orange and yellow sprayed across the sky. It's sunset; already? it didint feel that long.. Orion once again looked over to Tree'Shade who looked exhausted. "We should walk from here;" Orion suggested "that sounds good; we're only a few days away from the sky wing kingdom" Orion and Tree'Shade flew to the ground and landed. Orion heard a deep growl from the direction their facing. "who's there!" Orion growled back at the forest.

A figure exited from the shadows of the forest.


"How do you know my name!"

"You've grown a reputation at the academy; so now everyone knows of the "undead rain wing" and such"

He thought for a moment trying to recal it.
"Oh! Jade mountain..yeah sorry about that" the   Dragon stepped closer to the two. "I'm flame; I'm one of the few flame scales of the sky kingdom. I'm happy to see that the Orion isint just a legand"

"Wait- I'm a legend? How long was I gone!"

The sky wing looked at him and looked off to the side.
"You haven't heard your own story? you were cursed with immortality when you were 16 years old; and you also had this weird ability to-"
The sky wing passed out; then Tree'Shade, then Orion. The dragons looked over them.
"Huh! That's that "zombie wing" right" one said."I think so...he matches the description " I guess we should lock  'em up" Orions eyes flickered open "What in the Phyyria! He should still be passed out!" Orion got up and looked at the two night wings."nothing works on me; trust me..." the two night wings looked at Orion in astonishment.

Orions eyes flickered purple and he fell to the ground lost once again.

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