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JULY 20th, 2005

As the sunsets over the city she could feel the sudden anticipation of tonight's meeting looming over her, if they considered to attack Moebius this would be her first fight since returning.

She hugs her legs staring at the view ahead, the tree above them swaying slightly "I forgot to tell you, I made a new friend while you were recovering." At his sudden words, Salem hums and turns to face him watching him warmly smile at the sun "His names Takemitchy, he's a horrible fighter too." He looks over at her "Just like Shin"

Salem let out a breathy laugh at his words "He can't be that bad"

"He blocks with his face." At that she let out a burst of laughter, she groans before shaking her head in amusement "But he's got spirit, and loyalty." At those words her smile could only spread further, before nodding, understanding that Mikey did enjoy the encounter with this stranger. She remembers Mikey's brother so well that sometimes she still couldn't believe he was no longer with them, it was almost like her brain didn't want to accept that he was gone, but her heart knew he was never coming back. Saya and Shin we're the only reasons she got to know Mikey, without them she'd probably wouldn't be sitting here; enjoying the sunset together.

"When can I meet him?"

"Tonight, he'll be there tonight." He nods, before stretching and standing up keeping his eyes at the view, the sun almost disappearing, it would only be a matter of time before they would all gather at the shrine "How are you handling all of this?"

"What'd you mean?" Salem stares up at him only for his gaze to remain ahead of them "Like on the whole Moebius thing? Cause if I'm being honest it freaked me out, I couldn't go back to sleep; Taka stayed up with me until I pretended I did so he wouldn't be sleep deprived." She explains turning back to the view. Salem knew Mikey wasn't stupid an he had realized why Pah embraced her so suddenly that night, because they all knew how quickly things could escalate.

"Is that what's been bothering you this whole time? That night." Mikey stares at the side of her head, her hair dancing around only catching small glimpses of her face, while she didn't dare look in his direction he knew she could feel him "That something you haven't told me, why won't you? You don't trust me?"

She whipped her head in his direction, being unable to read his face "I do. I trust you with my life." Her face contorted into a serious stature almost sharpening every single one of her features, proving everything behind her words were true "I still can't tell you, though."

"Mitsuya knows, doesn't he?" At his question she frowns "He's always known, that's why you're always with him, that's why you were with him last night because he's the only person out of everyone who knows—does Baji?" He seemed hurt that out of everyone she had knew longer, he wasn't the one who was able to help her, the one who is still barely finding out bits and pieces. That night he felt his stomach drop, it was almost like a sudden whirl of emotions and yet when he showed up at the hospital his face showed none of what he truly felt.

He remembered when his brother introduced the two sisters, or even how Shin had told him to always look out for her because he knew how much his brother adored both of the girls, especially Saya, who fought beside him as one of his captains during their generation. He felt as if he wasn't keeping up to his word, and that bothered him.

"And if they did? What difference does that make?" Salem pushes herself to her feet now standing face to face with her friend "Personally; and you know this, anything I need to tell you that comes out from my life, I'll tell you it myself, because I'd rather you hear it from me than anyone else." Her statement made Mikey yank her into a hug.

"You smell like Mitsuya." He mumbles into her hair making her shake her head. "Geez, I wonder why." They pull apart from one another, as he keeps his hands holding her face "Whatever am I going to do with you, Sally-Chan?"


The moon shown below the city as Salem walks out of the store carrying an orange juice, she suddenly felt her phone vibrate before pulling it out seeing Emma calling her, she sighs knowing she'll have to deal with another Sano for the day "Hey, Em."

"I've committed and I'm going to to do it." At her sudden words, Salem knew exactly what she had meant, it was a topic they've been talking about since Emma started having troubled feelings for Darken, since then she's been trying to figure out how to catch his eye; it was not going according to plan.

"Please, not this again." She walks over towards her bike before taking a seat "Em, we've talked about this, this isn't going to better your situation, you'll have better luck if you try something else."

"C'mon, Vi. At least cut me some slack, I've felt like I've tried everything and not once does he even bother to look my way," On the other line, Emma pouts in frustration before looking around trying to find a person who could satisfy her enough. "Besides, you have tons of people who admire you in more ways than one and yet you decline all of them. I just don't get it."

"That's because most of them aren't worth my time." Salem presses the phone against her ear using her shoulder, while poking a hole through the carton taking a slurp of her juice "And besides this isn't about me and my relations, this is about you and doing something you might regret later. Now, I'm not saying wait until you find the 'love of your life' but at least do it with someone you have some sort of connection with."

"Like Mitsuya."

"..." Salem stutters before nodding, feeling her ears become hot "Y-Yeah, if you have a connection with him."

"Ugh, Vi, why can't you just admit you like the guy already."

"Why can't you just tell Draken your feelings for him already?" Emma remains quiet on the other side making the Raven haired teen sigh "Look, this shouldn't be up for debate, I'm just looking out for you because I care about you, and so does Draken."

"But not in the way I want him too."

"We don't know that." She could feel how somber her friend was while they remain silent "You still with me, Em?"

"Can I at least see how far this goes?" Salem leans on her handles running a hand through her hair, she's surprised that the two Sano siblings have yet to give her early gray hairs "At least tell me where you're going to be, just in case something happens." A smile was heard from Emma as she tells her friend her whereabouts.

"Also, I heard my brother picked you up from school today? So was Baji right?"

Salem tilts her head, she should've know better than to be surprised "You know about that? How did yo—you know what never mind, at this point I don't even care."

"Oh come on, Vi. Be my sister in law, choose Mikey." She begs, before gasping "Unless you want to be Luna's and Mana's sister?!"

"Bye, Emma." 'This is already an eventful night' She sighs through her nose waiting for Mikey beside his bike, before seeing him coming out with a lollipop swirling in his mouth "You got me one?" He pulls out a bubblegum flavor giving it in her reach, she excitingly takes it and props it in her mouth before starting up her bike "Race ya."

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