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Lucia's POV:

  "So who's Paying?"

 "We'll settle that later, but right now I wanna figure out who Lucia is staring at"

 When people are talking about someone aren't they supposed to whisper about them instead of say them out loud? I'm observing if you must know and I'm doing that because our waitress looks familiar

 "Hey guys, have you seen our waitress?"

 "Uh no, she hasn't come here yet, why? you into her or something?"

 We all stared at the girl who was assigned to our table but she looked over at us and caught us staring, we all looked away and i felt my face heat up, it was mostly from embarrassment but I did find her really cute

 "I have to say she does look familiar"

She walked over to us and asked for our drink orders and i just felt my face heat up instantly, she came back and got our orders then a few moments later came back with our food

 "Is there anything else I can get for you all? are you all good for now?"

 "We're fi-"

"Wait yeah actually, our Friend, our good ol' friend Lucia here says you look familiar, does she happen to know you from somewhere, she's too chicken to ask"

I completely froze, No way she did that and actually have the nerve to point me out

I stopped on Brodie's foot and she winced and I was afraid the waitress would find us really creepy but when I looked she looked flattered, I think

 "Uh probably, I've been on T.V for about a while now, not really me but my family but the only time ive been on T.V was for tournaments"

 "Oh, you've competed? Well Lucia here just happened to as well and it looks like you got something in common, She's actually competing this year also so you'll see her on screen"

 "Oh? well good luck, i heard that East section Competitors aren't as nice as West's are, they aren't rule followers so they'll defiantly bring illegal stuff in the games but i haven't competed since i was 16 so its been a while"

 "How old are you?"

 What a way to sound like a creep huh? I felt hot from embarrassment and punched myself in my mind but she didn't seem to mind the question

"Im Sorry but i gotta get back to work, maybe I'll catch ya'll on your way out"

 "Oh..Ok but wait, What'd you say your name was?"

  "My names Amelia, now i need to go take tables before i get fired"

 She waved bye and i watched as she entered the other side of the restaurant and i felt something hit my head then saw a piece of shrimp in my plate that's just made of noodles, marinara, tomatos and chicken fried steak

 "Hey, what was that for?"

 "Oh your so into her, haha, you should ask for her number"

I rolled my eyes and threw the shrimp back at Vee, yes sadly It was Vee, she's not a total angel believe me

The rest of the time i was teased but then it switched to figuring out which tournaments Amelia took part in

 "Ok, so who's paying?"

 "Who was the last going Home, Im not paying, I drove here" 

"hey, i drove here too"

 Me and Skyler were out of the options and looked around, we all stared at Hunter and he looked at us slowly eating his food with wide eyes wondering what we were looking at him for

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