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The silence scares me, I try to move, but a firm hand stops me.
"Ella it's okay." He says. I keep trying to move, this guy is a complete stranger. He says a charm I don't recognize and tries to put the necklace back on. I fight him. For someone who just got the life sucked out of them I'm still pretty strong. "Ella don't make this difficult." He say gently. I don't stop fighting, this guy want to put the magic sucky thing back on me. Since talking doesn't work he tries mind magic. "Ella come on let me put the necklace back on."
"No." I scream. This guy fights my battle and then he wants to kill me. What the hell. After a few seconds, he gives up but instead of leaving he says a charm I reconize immediately. But its to late to reverse it. Right after he says it the world goes dark.

I wake up on a bed, with the necklace on my chest. I go to take it off. But I can't move my hands. Shoot imbolizatin spell. I think. The door knob turns and the man walks in. My eyes are lit up with fear. He has a blue bottle. He walks over to me and sits on the bed, next to me. He opens the bottle, and my mouth. The fierce, fiery liquid runs down my throat. Acebain. When he's done he reverses the imbolizatin charm and speaks. "Sorry about that I don't want you using your magic untill you have it all back." He says. I reach up and touch the necklace.
It must be restoring my magic.
"Where's Sam." I ask.
"Uh downstairs, want to see her." He says. I jump off the bed and walk downstairs. I see Sam making chicken in the oven.
"Hi honey." She says.
"Hi," I reply "Who's that guy." I ask
"Oh his name is John, but to you its Dad. I gasp, and run back up the stairs to the bedroom.
"Are you really my...." I can't seem to finish my sentance
"Yes Ella." I'm speechless. I can't seem to think straight. But one thought comes to mind. "What happend to my sister. I ask.
"Oh her she's........dead." he says. I'm not really sad because, one, I didn't know her well and two, she was trying to kill me. Sam brought up dinner and we all ate in my room. After I tryed to text my friends but still no signal. I ended up going to bed early that day because I was bored.
The next morning was boring, Sam and John insisted that I stay in bed, they even put up a barrier. I knew I could break the wall if I wanted to, but I had no where to go so I stayed and played games on my phone. At around 1:30 I hear a dog barking. "Damm mutt." I mutter to myself. I try to ignore the barking but I can't. Some people can deal with dogs barking, but I can't, it's just soooo annoying. I get up, walk to my window, disable the wall, and yell at the dog. "Shut up you stupid mutt." The dog stops, but doesn't leave. Whatever. I think. I'm about to leave when I see it. It's the green shirt Zack was wearing when he was taken. "Dog come here." I say. The dog walks foward. Yep it's definitely his shirt. The dog is a golden retriever, with no collor. I jump out my window and land on my feet. The dog starts racing towards the woods, I follow. A few minutes later of running and I'm exhausted. The dog looks back at me and whines. As if saying, come on were almost there. "I can't I'm tired." I say. Look at me talking to a dog. I say in my head. A few minutes later were back to runing, the dog leading me following. We are very far from the house. I wonder if Sam and John are searching for me. They'll probably lock me up for one hundred years after this stunt. By the time the dog stops I'm out of breath, he/she is panting really hard too. "Are you tired buddy, or are we here." I say talking to the dog again." The door awnsers my question. It's a large wodden door with a weird symbol on it. "Umm ok." I mumble to myself. The dog starts barking. "Okay, okay I'll open it." Because I'm so not freaked out about what's behind that door. I think. I reach for the door and turn the knob. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream. The dog whines and covers his eyes. There in the door is............

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