𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘄

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y/n had just gotten out of the shower, her hair wet and wavy, looking effortlessly beautiful.

 She had just gotten into her pajamas when her daddy called her downstairs.

 y/n had just thought that it would be to buy her something, but that was way off. 

She walked down the stairs of her 5 story mansion looking for her dad. 

He called "down here y/n!!!" 

He shouted from the basement.  That's weird. 

Y/n's dad is never down in the basement. 

Y/n took a shuddering breath, suddenly being more anxious. 

She walked down and saw something she never thought she would. 

There were about 10 men all in black suits, and who she saw surprised her the most. 

Her dad was the leader, it was obvious. 

She then saw her fiance, Tyler, standing next to me.

 And next to him shocked her the most, she saw Ace from the beach. 

Y/n hadn't been able to get him out of her head since the beach, and he was still so dreamy.

 "W-w-w-what is this daddy?!" y/n said cautiously.

 "I thought it was about time you were aware of the family business. 

He gestured to a chair for y/n to sit in. 

She was shaking in her entire body, everyone was staring at her.

 "We are the mafia. This has been in the family for many years." 

Y/n started crying out of shock. 

"W-w-w-what?! The m-mafia!!!" Y/n screamed. 

"Yes now you can't freak out, I would like you to meet everyone. 


As he introduced me to some of them, he stopped at one with fluffy black hair, a chizeled chin,and a perfect face, well, except for the scar above his lip. 

(picture above)

 Hes kinda hot... "y/n, this is Ice."

  Uhmmm what kind of person names their kid Ice?

"Ice?" she asked, bewildered. 

Suddenly he spoke up, "Its not my real name, angelface, its just a nickname." 

Ohhh i feel dumb.. 

"Well then then whats your real name??" 

"Cant tell you that." He said and winked. 

"Okok enough, Ice, stop flirting with my daughter." Daddy said sternly. 

"Sorry boss.." Ice said and looked at the floor. 

I blushed profusely and hoped we would talk again.

Daddy walked away from ice, and as I followed, I realize he was taking me to see Ace. 

He stared at me. 

His beautiful, glistening orbs were staring at ME. 

"This is Ace, he's my right-hand man." Daddy said. 

Ace looked me up and down as he said "Pleasure to meet you.."

 He said with a slightest smirk.

 Immediately I was offended. I felt hurt, betrayed, and so so sad. 

Did he not remember me from the amazing time at the beach? 

I really felt so so so much for him. 

Did he really forget it already? 

"Ace will take you on a tour of the Mafia Laire. I trust him to show you around."

 I looked up at Daddy, startled. 

"No, Daddy, please. I-I-I w-why not tyler?? He could take me." 

Daddy looked down at me, he towers over me with how smwall I am.

 "Although tyler is your "fiance" he is not my right hand man. Ace is."

 I didn't like the way he said fiance with air quotes.

 Was tyler a set up?

 I didn't really love Tyler, but he was safe because I knew he would protect me, like all alpha males should.

 But is he even an alpha male? If he were a true alpha male then he would be daddies right hand man, not Ace. 

"F-fine, Ace can give me a tour.. But can I at least change first?" 

I said feeling slightly embarrassed that I was so small, and I only had pajamas on. 

I didn't even have a bra on.

 "Of course princess, Ice will take you." I looked at Ice wide-eyed. 

"C'mon Angelface, let's go get you changed." He said witha devilish grin.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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