The end of the story

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I feel bad for leaving you guys in the middle of the story so Yk what? I'll just suck it up and explain what I had in store for these two.

What I planned on happening was Kaiya and her team killed Atsushi in combat, while Akutagawa is trying to put pressure on Atsushi's wound Atsushi explained that he always knew the actual reason Akutagawa even bothered dating him was because Akutagawa was after Dazai and not him. The reason Atsushi said "no." To Akutagawa's date was because he knew Akutagawa wasn't interested in him and figured Akutagawa was suggesting it so that Atsushi felt secure in the relationship.

When Ranpo spoke with Atsushi in the first chapter he explained that Akutagawa was only using him, but Atsushi was well aware already. Ranpo chose to ignore it because Atsushi asked him too.

The reason Atsushi let himself be used is because he knew Akutagawa wanted Dazai's approval, something Atsushi obtained. So he thought if he was dating Akutagawa, Dazai would give him some approval.

After Akutagawa realized he was a dumb fuck and everything else, he vanished from the Port Mafia and his sister, but he's currently sleeping and living where he buried Atsushi.

Now to explain the bad guys:

The group who were after Atsushi were apart of a separate organization, that wasn't from their world. Think of it as people traveling through animes if you will. Except these guys travel as a job, because their boss ordered them to kill Atsushi so that a story could be told. None of the agents in the company age, ever each world has a set of rules (example: you're dead but you go to bsd where there aren't any ghosts so you're immediately given a life in that world)

Kaiya is technically 63 years old but has the appearance of a 24 year old. She originated from bsd as a child torturer where she met Akutagawa and his sister. After she killed her entire family with her ability, in a rage she tried killing Akutagawa but he killed her and she let them escape. Later Kaiya (Fumiko) is found by Fukuzawa and Ranpo and is taken in their care. She was apart of the armed detective agency but had to have Dazai shoot her down so her brother (Tomioka) wouldn't use his ability to harm the agency. She was revived in the organization that travels and then had to erase her (a lot of) identity.

Soul is 149 year old who appears 18. He was originally from a world where he was a guardian spirit.

Kiyumia is a spirit who died while she was only 15. She's 218 years old but appears 15, because she's dead and doesnt have a physical form, she was given a form in the bsd world.

Tomioka is just a sadistic bitch who loved his sister (not in a romantic way) and was willing to do whatever she asked if it meant killing someone. He's not apart of the organization with Kaiya, at the end Kaiya, Soul, and Kiyumia all murder him so yipee.

I also wanted to mention (I forgot too 💀) these two are NOT a ship in this story. Even tho I added "Shin Soukoku" in the title it doesn't mean they're going to be an actual couple, I saw a comment talking abt this and ty to the comment for reminding me that I had to make this clear!!! This story was literally made because people on tiktok had an angsty idea abt Akutagawa dating Atsushi for Dazai and I wanted to take it a step further to where Atsushi dies from Akutagawa's selfishness.

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