Please take me

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"Hm? What a creepy invitation.." Jinko commented, looking at the photo of himself, with red smudged on his neck. (NOT ME MAKING A BSD MANGA JOKE 🤪🤪)

I hesitated, without my coat, I couldn't fight if they wanted to pick one. I bit my lower lip, fighting my mind, Jinko took notice. He questioned, "Are you okay?" I sighed pretending to be annoyed with him, in reality I was frustrated with myself. "I'm fine, Jinko, stop worrying over nothing." I retorted. He frowned at me, making me look away, "If you say so." He replied. "You may leave now, I'll text you later." I spoke, swallowing my fear and deciding to see the mysterious person. 

He frowned again looking away, "okay then." He replied, "It's nothing much, I just like texting more then speaking." I spoke, giving him comfort. He looked at me with a sad expression, walking towards me, hugging me. "Stay safe." He said walking away, it must've been obvious that I was going to meet the mysterious person.


After leaving the house, I double checked the picture seeing the coordinates. It was near a bar called "The Green sheep", I sighed making my way towards the bar, sneaking behind it to the warehouse.

Without even walking inside a small girl sat at the front, dead asleep. Maybe a little too dead asleep... I crouched in front of the girl feeling for a pulse, she didn't have one. Did the one who sent that picture to me the one who killed her??

The girl's corpse's head rose up looking at me. I flinched, is she some sort of zombie??

"Are you that Akutagawa man Soul wanted to meet?" The girl asked me, I nodded confused. "Oh then follow me!" She exclaimed clapping. Suddenly she fell to the floor lifeless, I tried to see her pulse again but instead my body reacted on its own and immediately walked into the warehouse.

I couldn't move on will, it was like someone or something took over my movements. There were a few walls in the warehouse, similar to a maze, I tried looking around but my body refused my thoughts. The one thing I could control were my eyes, I looked around with my eyes confused. 

Eventually I came at a halt, my senses didn't return, however. 

I saw the man that took my ability walk up to me, he patted my shoulder and then took my phone to call someone. "Oi, get Kiyumia's body, I gave back the dude's ability." I head someone talking on the other line but I couldn't tell who. After 20 minutes, he stood still listening into the phone of whoever the hell he called. "You got her?" He asked in an impatient tone, he must've been this "Soul" guy the girl at the front was speaking about. "yes." The phone was now on speaker and I could tell clearly it was Fumiko. He nodded, turning his attention to me and leaving the phone on the floor beside me. I tried moving to run flee but it seems like the ability stopped me from doing so, I struggled, even though it looked like I was simply standing in place, I was struggling to get a grip. Soul walked behind me, I could hear his quiet footsteps leaving the place. 

My hand moved to the phone and dialed someone's number, I forced myself to remember this number, I waited for someone to answer it. When the phone picked up, it was Fumiko's number.

"Moshi moshi?" The other side of the phone asked, "It's Kiyumia!" My voice exclaimed cheerfully, yuck who is "Kiyumia"? "you annoyed that Soul isn't there, Kiyumia?" Fumiko asked, The girl who took my body said annoyed, "SIR HER NAME IS HITORI KAIYA NOT HAYASHI FUMIKO." The girl said annoyed with me. Well, not really she said to me, I could hear her voice in my own mind. It was like hearing a water droplet falling into water and having the water jumble. 

Once I was out of the warehouse, the girl's body, who I'm assuming is this "Kiyumia" girl, had vanished. My senses all came back to me at once, I looked down at my hand stretching my fingers, seeing them move on my will. Strange, I wonder why he wanted to just pet me on my shoulder. 

"Sup." I heard someone say. I turned around, activating my ability on instinct realizing my ability was still stolen, I internally hit myself on the head for forgetting my ability was stolen, I was surprised when black tendrils appeared. "I see you have that ability back." It was Dazai-san's voice. I deactivated my ability coughing into my hand. 

"Your.. what? 20? It should be okay for you to go at a bar and drink right?" He questioned to himself, Dazai-san wanted to go out for a drink?! I felt my cheeks blush in happiness, he was acknowledging me!

"Yes!" I said excited, I was never that fond of alcohol or any sort of beverages, but it wasn't like it was something I would refuse to have. "Please take me!" I begged wanting to have a drink with my superior, I coughed into my hand.

He nodded walking along the path, signalling me to follow along, I rushed along to his side. "have you ever been here at 'The Green Sheep'?" Dazai-san asked me. 

I never really cared much about that place but I was intrigued with Dazai-san's proposal. Finally my plan was starting to work! I shook my head running along with him, eventually, we arrived at the bar and both sat beside each other. "2 shots!" Dazai-san yelled over at the bartender. The bartender nodded pouring 2 small cups of alcohol for us. 

I quickly shot down the drink, watching Dazai-san do the same, soon ordering for a cup of beer. I ordered the same, "You sure you can swallow that?" He asked confused, "I am fine." I was slightly happy he was at least concerned with my health here. I drank down the beer feeling my face grow hot. Dazai-san chuckled watching my transformation.

This place also had a few women there looking for a partner, some of them had taken a liking to us. 

"What's a handsome man like you doing here?" A female drunk asked me, I was never fond with alcohol so I coughed into my hand being half drunk. "I'm with a frienddd..." I slurred trying to control my body movement. She giggled seeing me a bit wobbly, "well... Let's go over here... and..." 

The door slammed open, Jinko standing in the doorway sitting beside me, the tension in the air felt heavy, even Dazai-san looked away worried. "Why're you here with Dazai-san?" He asked, trying to sound joyful. In my drunk state, I could only reply, "Heeee invittedd m-mee.." I spoke slurring more and more. "Oh hi!" The girl greeted, Atsushi glared at the woman quickly, soon smiling. He grabbed my arm pulling me outside, Dazai-san following along. 

Dazai-san sighed trying to help Atsushi hold me up, I coughed. "Don't---" Atsushi's words were blacked out for me, I began to feel faint. I passed out in Atsushi and Dazai-san's arms.


hi, miss me? Drunk Akutagawa sort of today, I'm trying to add more cute chapters then serious ones, which ones do you guys prefer?

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