Japan to the Ring of Fire.

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Jenny's pov

My father asked me if I wanted to go on a vacation. So me being the girl trying to get out of being homeschool, I said, "Sure." So I got on a plane to go to Japan and we took off. It was nice. I ate authentic sushi and chicken. I ate bean curd and bean paste. Now I know what it is. I watched a lot of weird shows in anime. Did you know that Japan made a weird parody of us and called them, "Go-bots." Not that much creativity in the name but I can understand. They loved us. So I also got to watch Anime. Japanese cartoons, my favorite. But my Dad and a few others were wondering what Hentai was so they previewed it.

Optimus' pov

Once I previewed what Hentai was, I immediately looked next to me on the couch. And I saw my little girl's well-being jeoperdized so I covered her eyes and Primus, my hands together could cover her head. The poor girl was exposed for so long. And now since she knows that everyone is an Autobot except a certain few, she gets very trusting. So I walked up to her right before she went to bed, kneeled down, and said, "Hey, I need you to remember,...... that not everyone is like us. There are bad guys to. Like Decepticons. Any bot you see without this symbol, I want you to run." And I showed her the insignia on my shoulder and I showed her the insignia she inherited from me. She looked up and said, "Kk, Daddy." And she ran up to her room.

About 3 hours later....
Military time: 23:00
Ratchet's pov

Well it was about 11:00 pm and we were all about to head up to bed until I heard a rustleing from Jenny's room. I thought it was her being her 9 yr old self trying to stay up, but when I opened the door, it was Predaking! I called out to Optimus and he ran down faster than a roadrunner. He got to the window where I was trying to keep the Predacon from flying with the sleeping girl. So Optimus jumped out the window and grabbed the con's tail. He tried to weigh him down but he was too strong. He threw Optimus across the town square and he flew away. Optimus looked up at me and yelled, "Get the others! Its time to hunt." So he transformed to regular self, took out his wings and flew after the Predacon. After awhile Optimus got him but Jenny was nowhere to be found. We started to looked for her and hopefully, we'll find her before Megatron gets involved. He's already looking for his daughter too.

Outside of Japan around the Ring of Fire.
Military time: 9:00
Jenny's pov

I woke up next to Militia, the daughter of Megatron, my father's sworn enemy. I looked around and saw volcanoes and hot water everywhere. My homing beacon wasn't working and so was my commlink. I couldn't contact anyone. I hope that she won't hurt me. I'm very young and what I have been told from older bots, new rookies, and new bots arriving, they have all said that I am young and stupid especially for my age.

Militia's pov

I woke up and I saw Jenny. The o' so dangerous little femmbot. She's not dangerous. But I could tell that she was afraid of me. But I am a respected fighter. I don't kill my enemies' kids unless they are there and if my boss says so. Megatron, my father, never told me to kill or lay a single hand on her. That is one thing I will never do. Even if it will give me credit for killing a Prime especially a Prime who is the daughter of a famous Prime, I will never disrespect a fighter. Especially his children......

So Jenny and Militia are in a tough spot. Suggestions, anyone?
Be sure to read my prequel and tell me what you think.
Sorry this chapter is so short!

Jenny Paxonite, The daughter of a PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now