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3rd person

The two boys didn't know where they were going nor why they were going but if it made them forget about their problems then maybe they'll go. Felix took Han to the little dog cafe in Busan and Chan took Lee know for a drink in some cafe befor going to the dog cafe where Felix and Jisung were.

"OMG! You brought me to a dog cafe! This is so cute!" He exclaimed while jumping around. Felix just laughed at his behavior and took him inside to sit somewhere.

They sat down and ordered some drinks when Felix told Han that two more people will be joining them.

He immediately asked who and Felix said it was just friends of his. That made Jisung calm as he thought Felix was going to bring Minho aswell, which, he didn't want.

They got their drinks and waited about half an hour for the two 'friends of Felix'.

"Ughh, where are they?" He groaned as he was getting tired of talking to Felix and playing with the dogs. What? Dogs are exhausting to play with.

Felix just sighed and said, "they're coming, just wait." Jisung groaned even more when Felix heard the door chime and spotted the two boys he was waiting for.

He waved his hands to gather their attention and Han turned to see who it was.

His expression dropped from a wide grin to a horrified expression on his face.

Minho and Chan were walking towards them and Minho made eye contact with Jisung and he quickly averted his eyes and looked back at Felix.

"What are they doing here?!" He whisper-shouted at Felix. Felix could barely reply when he moved to Hans seat so the ohters could sit across them.

Felixs pov

It had been a minute or two and I was just staring at Chan hyung, trying to see what he was going to do to remove this awkwardness.

Han was just looking at his lap, not making eye contact with anyone, not even me. He hasn't even talked yet.

Chan cleared his throat and everyones attention was on him. Even Jisungs.

"Well, we all are here together so it shouldn't be awkward, right? Come on lets order some drinks."

"We already drank." Both Minho and Jisung said it at the same time. They made eye contact and both of their eyes were filled with sadness.

Jisung looked away first and stood up. He moved me away and ran out the door. Minho stood up aswell and ran after him.

Me and Chan did nothing we just sat there. "I told you it wouldn't work." I said as I gave him a 'i told you so' look.

He just looked disappointed. "You did see Minho run after Han, right?" I nodded. "Well, what if they have a talk and stuff? Then maybe everything will be back to normal."

I just looked at him. "You can't be serious." He was dead serious. "Oh my- Chan hyung! This is not going to work! We should just give them space it'll work out soon enough!"

He sighed and agreed but he still wanted to see what is going to happen with Minho and Han.

We paid the bill and walked out of the cafe, hand in hand, just wanting our friends to be happy once again.

558 words
Okay, i know i uploaded late but i was reading a fanfic so i forgot and i slept at 4 am last night so ya now byee

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