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3rd person

It had been a week since the talk with Chan and Minho thought he was ready to talk to Han now.
He told Chan that he was ready.

"It feels like you're going to propose to him." He laughed while saying that. He started laughing even more when he saw Minho blush.

"I'm just kidding. Go, talk to him." He said getting up and pushing Minho to the door.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going." Trying to stop the elder from pushing him.

Minho went towards the door of his younger member and knocked on the door.

He waited and waited but no reply came. He knocked once again and this time the door opened abruptly.

The man who opened his door just froze. "Um, can I come inside now?" He asked nervously, fiddling with his hands.

The younger said nothing. After a minute which felt like an hour, he moved out of the way. This left the elder confused but he realized he was calling him inside.

He walked in with a sigh if relief but as soon as he came inside the nervousness came back.

Minho suddenly forgot what he wanted to say to him and tried to rack his brain to remember what he wanted to say.

"Why are you here?" The sound of someone made Minhos head snap up to look at the squirrel-looking boy infront of him.

"Oh-um I-i wanted to, like talk, y'know." He was mumbling the whole time and the poor boys heart was racing whereas the latter could barely understand what the elder had said.

"Speak properly, hyung." He scolded. "Uh, yeah, so, um, I just wanted to, like, apologize and all and, like- can we just talk?" He spoke in such a fast way but fortunately for him the younger could understand what he had said.

"What is there to talk about? And why do you want to apologize?" He stressed on the word as he waited for an answer.

The said man didn't answer and shifted from one leg to another while looking at the floor.

"Lets sit down first." He sat down on the armchair that was in his room and Minho sat down on the love sofa as be took a deep breath to start.

"Look, I know I've really hurt you but I just wanted to protect you." He saw the younger open his mouth to say something but he interrupted.

"And I know that my 'protection' actually hurt you more. I was being selfish, I'm sorry. This all was- was just to much for me. I was trying to protect myself more than you from getting hurt and I can't even deny that."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he brought his hands to his eyes to stop the tears from falling down and the other just watched, mouth agape, not knowing what to do.

"Hyung, I- what do you mean you were trying to protect yourself more than me?"

The elders hands fell down from his face as he realized what he had just said.

"I've always been in a toxic relationship and when you confessed, I knew you weren't going to be like my exes but I still pushed myself away."

This time he didn't stop the tears that were about to fall and took a shuddering breath to continue.

"I-i knew you wouldn't be like that but I still locked myself away. It's a normal instinct for me and I can't even stop myself from it."

He sniffed as he put his palms against his eyes to stop the huge waterfall that was falling out his eyes.

Jisung just looked at the said man. The only time he had seen him cry was at the survival show. He hadn't seen him cry after that. That was, until this happened.

He seriously didn't know what to do but his first instinct after seeing the boy cry was to just go up to him and hug him. And that is exactly what he did.

After feeling a pair of hands around him he just looked up to see the boy he liked, hugging him.

He became a blushing mess after that but since his cheeks were already flushed from his crying, it wasn't all that visible.

He just snuggled his head into the other boys chest and grasped his shirt.

He audibly gulped and said, "Jisung.." the said boy hummed, letting the other know he was listening.

"I do actually like you aswell but, I just don't know what to do in a relationship. You have to guide me."

The heat came up to his cheeks as he snuggled even more into the boys chest.(jiddies)

He lightly tugged on the boys hair as his heart started racing. "Ofcourse, hyung." He heard a whine from the boy he was holding as he said, "don't call me hyung, just call me Minho."

Jisung laughed at his statement as they layed there in a comfortable silence. Minho moved away from Jisung and looked like he wanted to say something.

"What are we now?" The boy asked with big sparkling eyes and in a hushed voice.

Jisung got lost in his eyes as he started moving towards him, slowly.

They slowly started move closer and closer. Soon, close enough to feel eachothers breath. They both closed their eyes as their lips touched eachother.

They melted into a passionate and loving kiss. There was no lust or any ill feeling, just love.

They pulled away to catch their breath as they pressed their forehead against eachothers and looked at the other with hooded eyes.

Jisung was the first one to break the silence as he started laughing. Minho followed suit and laughed aswell.

Jisung hugged the elder as he said, "What do you want us to be?" The elder answered with, "Boyfriends?"

He said it in such an expected way that he just nodded. "Ofcourse."

They kissed one more time as they layed in eachothers company.

While this sweet moment was happening, six members were outside listening through the slightly open door.

"They like eachother?" Changbin said and everyone just stared at him.

1029 words
Wow, thats alot. Well i had a lot of fun writing this chapter and it only took me an hour but i had fun. Hope you like it. Byeee

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