Chapter 8: Trial Of A Trial

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(Strap in dear readers. This is the chapter before the beginning of the Main Game! Yep, the main game is indeed the main attraction of this situation where all sorts of twists, turns and deaths await! Hehe...)

Muto sighed. It's been quite the few hours in this weird place. He's seen quite a few sights already. From forming relationships, to people going crazy, to the death of Mishima, to a literal prisoner, to weird dolls. This place had it all already and they haven't even gone to this 'Main Game' yet. There were so many questions lingering over Muto's head at the moment and thinking up answers to them was quite frankly exhausting and confusing. Muto wished to take a break from a lot of stuff so he sat at one of the tables and got ready to chug down a bottle of beer. Unfortunately though, he won't be left in peace...

"Hey Muto..." asked Keiji popping out from seemingly nowhere.

"Oh my fuu.... What the hell man?!" Muto replied angrily.

"Mwahaha. Sorry for startling ya."

"Yeah yeah whatever. What do you want from me?"

"Say, you don't seem to know anything about Mishima's head whereabouts do you?"

"Huh? It's in the box that Miss Nao was holding was it not?"

"Yeah that's the thing. It ain't there..."

"What? What are you even talking about?"

"You can check if you want..." Keiji shrugged.

Muto sighed and went to the kitchen. While Sara was rummaging inside the drawers inside the kitchen, he went to check the box in the corner of the room. Indeed, there was nothing in it. He checked to see if the box had any tricks in it but that was not the case. 

"Eh, I don't know." declared Muto.

"Hmm... Doesn't look too good, huh?" asked Keiji

"Who knows. Them suckas prolly already got it or something..." Muto replied.

The three of them would eventually leave the room together, having investigated all there was to it. Sara and Mr Policeman both left the cafeteria while Muto lingered behind. He went to his table and picked up the bottle of spirits. He hesitated. He wasn't particularly superstitious or anything like that but the fact that he has been interrupted multiple times while attempting to drink might be a sign of some sort. Reluctantly, he chose to abandon the drink for his greater good. After ditching the drink, he decided to head over to the second floor. Perhaps something new opened up over there if Sara and Keiji found a key. As soon as he came up, the first thing he realized was the fact that the metal bars which used to cover up the previously dark hallway were no longer there. Raising an eyebrow, he decided to have a look around, see what he could find. In the hallway, he saw goth girl Reko talking with a sad-looking Nao. He also saw three doors. One was white, one was black and the last one was red. The black and white doors opposed each other midway through the hall and the red door was this huge double-door at the end of the hall. Muto shrugged and decided to have a look around, perhaps he may find something useful. He was about to go in the black door when he was interrupted by somebody.

"Hey, you!"

He turned around to see the goth girl Reko looking right at him.

"Yes? Can I help you?" Muto responded.

"You were the one to find Nao?" she asked.

"Ah, did I or did I not? That is the question we all ask..."

"God damn it, just answer the fucking question!!" Reko replied angrily.

"Alright calm down. Yes I have. And before you ask, no I did not touch her, make moves on her, manipulate her or done anything bad to her. I have standards for my self-respect too, sheesh..."

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