Chapter 30: Human and AI connections...

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(Just what really is the connection between humans and AIs...)

Upon entering the next room, the group entered what the floor map called the Art Gallery. It was quite the stoked place indeed. It had several armchairs situated in the middle of the room. The walls were also completely covered in paintings. They weren't just any paintings though. Muto could see that they were deaths and executions of many different people. 

"Urk...!!" Reko flinched at all the dead bodies that adorned the walls of this place.

"Bah, it's one thing after another... Some real poor taste here." Kurumada commented.

There were a lot of paintings on the wall so I can't quite tell you about all of them but I'll mention the most prominent ones. One of them was an image of a bed folded in half. It had blood oozing out of it as it seemed that someone had been violently crushed by the bed folding in half.

"...Don't Kanna. Over here..." demanded Keiji.

"Y... Yes..." Kanna said weakly. 

Muto assumed it was her sister who died on that. Muto also saw paintings of Joe and Shin on their final moments as they died their respective deaths situated over a painting of the man Midori himself smiling cutely. The honor of the biggest painting in the room was reserved to Nao as her gruesome end was magnified to be as big as possible. Muto wondered why. Muto also saw a painting with the death of a random girl with black hair, the death of the policewoman Megumi after she had been killed by Keiji and a bunch of other random paintings of people's houses and blood and stuff like that. There was also a half-colored painting as one part of a weird gadget was left uncolored for some reason.    

"I'm not a paintinggg!" Muto heard a voice suddenly cry out. 

"Midori...!!" cried out Sara.

Looking around for the source of the sound, Muto noticed that the painting with Midori's face on it was now sentient and was talking to the participants.

"How are you feeling? Anybody die?" Midori asked.

"Another AI, I bet?" asked Keiji.

"Nooope! Just a video call! I observe all the floors!" revealed Midori.

"You damn coward! Show yourself!" exclaimed Reko.

"Just as dumb as your brother, Reko... I wanna win too, you know?" said Midori.

"B-Bastard!! You're really pissin' me off...!" Reko said angrily.

"A-Anyway, do you want something with us...?" Kanna asked him.

"Ah, right, right! I thought I'd give you some advice. Soon enough... I want you all to know." Midori replied.

"Know what...?!" asked Reko.

"Oh, just everything. Your lost memories with me and... The reason Asu-naro is having you kill each other, too..." Midori said.

"Then say it already! I want a good explanation!!" demanded Reko.

"Ahaha, it'd be a waste for me to say it." laughed Midori.

"Meooow?! Which one is it, woof?!" asked Gin.

"Didn't I tell you? Discover it on your own power..." Midori said dismissively. "It's all right... I've prepared hints. Within the floor, I've made a few places that are rich with memories for you all. The key is remembering your past..." 

"Mmmgh...!" Gin groaned.

"Ah, yes. And this Murderer Game of course has a time limit, as well." stated Midori casually as if it weren't a casualty. (Bars)

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