SABRINAI really love the place J. I must say you've really out done yourself.
Thanks babe. But we're only gonna be here for like 2 months then were going to the place we talked about.
Never know if you are being watched are tapped into.
True baby. But I really got to get back to my studies I haven't been in school in over weeks. I'm glad they invented online schooling.
Well do what you got to do. I gotta meet up with Francis and Rocky.
Okay baby becareful.
Okay I will. Oh Bri!
I love you.
Awwe I love you to.
How did them heifers know that we were coming for them.
We got a snake in the mix.
No babygirl ain't no snake you just dumb as hell.
Yes you dumb ass why would you even mention anything all you had to do was stirr up the pot not burn it up and add your own seasoning to it.
Like they always say if you want something done you got to do it your gotdamn self. I can't rely on your retarded ass for shit. And since I can't you dying today you dumb broad I called a daughter. You weren't even mine I just told you that so you could do what I want your my faternal twin's daughter.Why would you lie to me.
Oh because it was funny and I needed something done from your ass. But now your useless and just a broad i'm related to by blood. By bitch!
Maybe next time you can follow orders. Oh wait it won't be no next time.
ENJOY your slow and painful death. Daughter.