Chapter 33 : Parabola

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Time skip(One year later)

A slow clatter of heels dragged into the chamber.

"Breakfast is read-... Adelaide?"

She eyed the large room finding no signs of Adelaide. A pot of ink lay on a desk as well as a dripping feather pen that was sprawled on a sandy sheet of paper.

Nearing the desk, the girl placed the tray of breakfast down, reading out the only two words written on the piece of paper, 'Dear, Arthur,'

"In here!" a voice called out from the walk-in wardrobe breaking the girl off from her intrusive activities.

Striding towards it, she knocked lightly on the wardrobe door, "may I come in?"


"Yes, it's me. Horace went out and so I thought I'd eat breakfast with you."

"Come in." Adelaide nonchalantly ordered. Charlotte was quite surprised; Adelaide had never let her come inside her wardrobe.

Sceptically, she entered. "Woah~" her eyes widened at the gorgeous turquoise dress displayed on the mannequin. "So this is why you didn't want me to come in" Charlotte jokingly quirked a brow, placing her hands on her hips.

Adelaide nodded enthusiastically. "Do you like it Charlie?!" she asked, bouncing up and down excitedly.

"It's for me I'm guessing. I love it Addy! You really learnt from the best."

Her fingers were now tracing along the lace of the dress on the mannequin.

"It's actually mine but... I'll let you wear it sometime." Adelaide finally stated. Whilst squabbling over who would wear the dress first, they made their way out the closet and sat down on the bed.

Adelaide was more engrossed in her conversation with Charlotte than ever, twining her fingers around a piece of her recently cut hair.

It hadn't been cut shorter in length, rather styled differently, leaving her with hip-length, layered tresses with curtain bangs framing her sculpted face.

To accentuate and add to the change in her complexion, her mentality also adapted change. Following along the daily activities of Charlotte, Adelaides demeanour matured into a collected, beauty-conscious princess.

Like Charlotte: she went on diets, practiced the manners and skills required for royal tea parties and practiced perfecting her makeup and sewing skills when she had time to spare.

"I always let you wear my dresses,  even the ones I haven't wore first myself. Can't you return the favour?" Charlotte protested, trying to sound persuasive.

"But you look so~ beautiful in whatever you wear." Adelaide answered, in hope her sister would stop trying to rob her dress.

"Look at you trying to woo me." Charlotte chuckled, not noticing her sisters smile starting to fade, "who taught you to woo people so well huh?"

She finally noticed Adelaide's drop in mood and became confused before quickly realising what she had said wrong. To be more specific, the word she had said.

Charlottes POV
"Adelaide... what are doing here?" I questioned, staring up and down at her ragged appearance, "and what happened to y-"

"Can I stay with you Charlotte?" her shaky voice asked causing my heart to ache, I had never seen Adelaide look so... hurt?

"Absolutely, but what wrong."

She got last in thought after my question for a while before breaking down into tears.

"H-he he doesn't love m-me!" was all I could make out through her sobbing voice.

I, myself became teary-eyed seeing my sister like this.

"I- it will be okay." I reassured her, though I wasn't quite sure what she was talking about. I brought her in and ordered for a guard to take her horse over to the castle stables.
*End of flashback*

Authors POV
"Sorry for reminding you." she quickly apologising after realising what she had said. Adelaide pressed her lips into a thin line, staring down.

"You know... the war has ended." Charlotte stated, breaking the short silence and trying to restart a conversation.

Head shooting up from her lap, Adelaides eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, "does that mean I'll have to return to Arcania?! Please, don't send me back! Please, please, plea-"

"Ok! Ok. I'm not sending you back... but... we'll have to tell mother and father everything."
Giving her a weak smile, Adelaide nodded subtly in agreement.


Carefully placing himself on the mattress, it let out a squeak of another spring busting. He stared up the blank ceiling. It was blank yet could tell a touching tale; by the nostalgia of that tale, Eugene felt he was being eaten alive.

His eyes buried deep beneath his overgrown mop of jet black hair that hid his features, Eugene closed his eyes replaying yet another yearning memory.

"Uh- um... ok...
Mary had a little lamb~
Little lamb~
Little lamb~
Mary had a little lamb her fleece was white as snow~"
I watched as she stood up and came to sit beside me on the croaking bed. Not missing the chance, I laid down, placing my head on her lap; she was startled by this but continued to sing...
"And everywhere that Mary went~
Mary went~
Mary went~
And everywhere that Mary went that lamb was sure to go~"
My eyes fluttered shut at her soothing voice not opening until I felt fingers coiling through the strands of my hair. "Thank you," I whispered...although your singing was horrible." I joked in attempt to lighten the mood that was grave a few moments ago.
She looked down at me grinning; first time appreciating my stupid jokes...

He chuckled quietly, ever so captivated by the  mere memory that was now left for the past. A beautiful memory. However, like ever other time he remembered a beautiful memory, it would be overshadowed with a rotten one.

Gazing up at I returned smile before realising I was in too deep. Realising I could never be able to return this love. I left the room, not before giving her shoulder a harsh shove and wrecking her door on my way out. I was a coward.

His chuckles slowly turned into whimpers of mental pain. "I miss you..." he spoke to himself, "I miss you so much Della..."

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