Chapter 20 : Debtford

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I woke up to an eventful morning: after I got dressed and ready for the royal meeting with the kingdom of Debtford, Hugo finally came to his room from wherever he had been sleeping...

Or whomever he had been with. I told myself I shouldn't think this way. I should trust my husband. Though he was indeed a...

murderer?, he must of had had reasons and well...

I already know some of them; maybe he has better ones? Maybe Eugene was at fault.

Either way I should take the side of my husband and try find ways to justify him. The reason I was backing away from my escape plan, even I couldn't put my finger on. It should be to make my parents proud and one day become a good queen.

I knew I wasn't thinking this way; something else was holding me back. Maybe this is what people mean when they say marriage changes you. For me perhaps, it may have been the person I'd married.

"Good morning Hugo" I said, spotting him through the vanity mirror as he brushed the dust off his clothes.

Wait... dust?

I turned to assess his figure; he was in the same clothes as last night but covered in dust patches with his hair jumbled and messy on his head. "What happened to your-"

He weirdly sneezed out a loud cough before going into a coughing fit.

"Huh?! Are you o-ok?"

"Yes *cough* I'm just *cough* allergic to dust" *cough* he barely let out in between breaths before running into the attached bathroom.

A rush of blocked out chatter arose from the floor beneath as I heard the front gates open; they must be here. I clapped my heels along the wooden floor boards: out Hugo's room and down the main staircase which led to the throne room, to greet everyone.

I was tackled down onto the maroon carpet by a small pair of hands yanking my gown.

"Pwetty dwess! Pwettyy!"

"Aaaah!" I screamed as the small creature sat on top of me and started to tear the fabric apart.

"Sto~p!" I pleaded trying to come back to my senses.

"Bwut I like it, pwetty dwess!"

"Marianna~! Where did you g- oh dear~" I heard as the little creature was plucked off of me. "Oh I'm so~ sorry my dear." An amused voice chanted.

I got to my feet, fixing my tiara, to look upon the unfamiliar faces. "It's ok, little kids are like that." I cheered, bowing down to squish the chubby cheeks of the monster in the body of an innocent looking girl.

"That's the least you could say. Indeed, she has only turned four a month ago." The women, who now had her hand on the shoulder of the child, stated. "Uh.. yeah," I awkwardly nodded at her random remark, "you must be Queen Monarch of Debtford."

"Hm." She nodded ever so subtly. "Glad you figured." Seemingly in a strutted manner, she finally walked away with a patronising expression.

I followed nervously as if this wasn't now my own castle.

We stopped at the large seating area, across to the right of the throne room where the everyone else was seated.

The queen sat next to a chubby, bearded man, who I was assuming was king Rowley of Debtford. The little princess, marianna flung herself next to a young boy, dressed too formal for his age.

This must be the twelve year old prince Hugo was talking about.

Hugo... wait, where was he?

I went back in search for the only person I think about lately; a feeling of being watched, followed behind me. I butted head first into a stiff arm.


I beamed, looking up  to meet his gaze and he returned my smile. Leaning in, he whispered, "I see you've made a friend."

His gaze switched to look behind me. I shifted my body to face the twelve year old boy that had been following me.

"Huh? why are you-"

"I found you~" the boy cut me off as he pointed at Hugo snickering.

I turned back to face Hugo who had a rather blank look drawn on his features. The boy cleared his throat and began to talk in his strong British accent; "You said that the next time I visit, you'll teach me sword fighting!"

"Do you think I'm jobless, Nathan?!" Hugo retorted, crossing his arms.

So his name is Nathan I thought to my self as my head turned back and forth in amusement when each one of them talked.

"But you said so~," he began wailing, "you promised Prince Eu-"

"Ok! I'll teach you..."


"I'll teach you... but you have to call me master. Nothing else."

"So you will teach me?!" Nathan bounced in excitement.


"Really master?!"


"Oh my~, are you really going to be teaching me?!"

"Shut up, before I throw you out a window."

-Time skip-

"...and so we were promised by your queen that the river separating our kingdoms will be confirmed ours, if your kingdom doesn't result in holding much power against the realms. Which is now the case."
The King of Debtford declared solemnly.

A perturbed expression rained over King Phoebe's voice as he spoke in objection: "Why our kingdom is in very good hands King Rowley; I appreciate your offer but your help is not needed and we are certainly not in a position where we deprive authority."

I held back a yawn; absently taking in the major information which made no sense to me. We were all seated around a warm fireplace on brown leather coaches.

The suspenseful atmosphere intensified when the Queen engaged in the discussion with a dangerous smile, "this sacred river was promised to us by your beloved queen. I'm extremely sorry that she passed away right after obtaining some prime knowledge and wasn't able to make significant changes after knowing the... statistics."

King Phoebe's eyes, widened in shock at the last sentence; I wasn't sure why though. Hugo shot him a deadly glare as if he was taking the side of the Debtford kingdom or disapproved of his fathers point made. King Phoebe's mouth ajar-red to speak but no sound came out.

"Well then," king Rowley began after sharing a small look of agreement with his wife, "against the kingdom of Arcania... We declare war!"

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