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Wedding day...

Dasom was looking in the mirror adoring her looks. She was for sure nervous and sad. She indeed wanted to run away, but she as well knew that the one who was going to be her husband would kill her if she would run away from him. Messing with a man like him was suicide.

" It's time. The groom is waiting. " A woman entered the room with Dasom's father following her. Dasom looked in the mirror again and turned to face her father.

" Are you ready, dear? " he asked looking at his beautiful daughter.

" Yes, I am. "

Mr. Park took Dasom's hand and led her out of the room down the aisle to give her hand to another man. As she exited the room she saw a beautiful view. White roses filled the church with white ribbons on the ceiling. In front of the altar stood a handsome man wearing a white suit with a red rose in his chest pocket. He was looking at her with his brown eyes which showed no emotions. Dasom looked at his groomsman and saw her cousin who ran away from home because his father was abusing him. Dasom's eyes got teary. They were so close and he just disappeared. Mr. Park's journey with his daughter ended and he gave her hand to the devil.

" Take care of my daughter and never let any kind of thing break her heart. Be a man who she can love and make good memories with. " her father said making Dasom's eyes glow, but the man who was supposed to at least smile just nodded. The ceremony started as soon as Dasom's father took a seat.

" We have gathered here today to unite these two inseparable souls forever. " the priest started. He was talking untill it was the time to say their vows. The first one to speak was the groom.

" In the name of God, I, Kim Taehyung, take you, Park Dasom, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death." he was looking right into Dasom's eyes, but what he said his eyes didn't mean. What he said was nothing to him. His eyes were still cold like the moment she saw him for the first time today.

" In the name of God, I, Park Dasom, take you, Kim Taehyung, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. " Dasom was looking into his eyes as his eyes were traveling from one eye to the other.

" I announce you as a wife and husband, you may kiss the bride. "

Taehyung looked at Dasom for a few seconds before slowly putting his right hand on her left cheek making sure she won't pull away too soon. His face was getting closer and closer to Dasom and her breathing got uneasy. She looked into his eyes for the last time before he closed his eyes and their lips touched. Dasom didn't want this at all but remembering where she was she kissed her husband back. A few seconds later Taehyung pulled away now looking at Dasom with darker eyes. He felt his heart beating faster, he wanted more, but he knew that this feeling was just lust. He was lusty for her.

Dasom was sitting beside the table watching a crowd of people dancing. The event was no fun for her, while her guests were dancing she sat beside the table watching them. She turned to look at Taehyung who was sitting near her with his legs crossed, drinking champagne. She was jealous of that. She wanted to taste it as well.

" Why aren't you drinking? " Taehyung asked as he caught Dasom looking at his glass.

" I don't want to..." she looked away.

It was the time for Taehyung's and Dasom's dance. Taehyung stood in front of Dasom pulling her hand gently. He took her to the dance floor putting his hands on her waist and letting her put hers on his shoulders.

" Come closer. " he pulled Dasom as close as he could. Dasom felt his warmness she felt his relaxing heartbeat. She felt that he was warm on the inside and she wanted to feel his warmness on the outside as well. She wanted him to show her his warmness.

While slowly dancing with Taehyung, Dasom looked at her brother and cousin who looked angry. It was fun for her to see them looking this mad. She wanted to laugh, she wanted to make fun of them, but she knew she couldn't. The one who was holding her tightly at the moment wouldn't like that.

Jimin was very unhappy seeing his little cousin in Taehyung's arms. He was afraid that Taehyung might hurt her. He knew what type of a guy Taehyung was. Taehyung liked to drink, he would often come back home waisted. As a best friend, Jimin wanted the best for Taehyung, but Dasom was something he didn't want Taehyung to have. Jimin wanted Taehyung to come back to his old self. He wanted to see Kim Taehyung who was always smiling and who always wanted to feel love from the ones he loved. It was that Tae Jimin once got to know. No one knows how did that Tae became cold-hearted V. Jimin knew that Taehyung is going to take over his father's business, but he didn't know that Taehyung would change like that. He didn't want Taehyung to hurt Dasom. He didn't want to see her hurt especially by his best friend.

Jihoon was glaring at a newly wedded couple. Seeing his little sister in this man's arms was making him go crazy. How he wished Dasom to be okay. How he wished it was just a bad dream. How he wished his father loved Dasom more than his business. How he wished to be a good brother and protect his sister from any kind of pain and danger. Now all he could wish for was the man she got married to, to love her, treat her well, and especially never harm her.

Dasom looked away from these two crazy older brothers and looked Taehyung in the eyes. He looked so calm and for a moment she didn't see that cold glare in his eyes, not until he looked down at Dasom who just smiled at him and put her head on his shoulder trying hard not to cry.

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