Chapter 12: Breakfast & reasurance

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A few minutes later Claire walked in with a tray that had two plates, and glasses on them. Matt could smell the eggs, bacon, and orange juice.
Matt smiled "thanks Claire."
"Yeah I knew you'd be able to know, but I still wanted to."
"It's one of the nicest things anyone's done for me." He lifted his head towards her.
Claire placed her hand on his forearm.
"Well, I hope you enjoy it."
The both started to eat. Matt complimented her on the meal.
"Thanks, I know it's not much but..."
"It's perfect", he interjected.
Claire grinned.
"Perfect could use a little salt though." Matt said quietly.
"Hey, I slaved for a whole ten minutes on this meal."
Matt's warm laughter filled the air. Claire was smiling hard, she loved the sound of his laughter.
"Well, it's fit for kings."
After they finished Claire pushed herself off the bed to put the dishes in the sink. When she got back to the room she started to lift the bag out of the wastebasket.
"Claire you don't have to do that."
"Matthew Murdock, do not start with me."
"But Claire-"
"I will get the orange shit, don't think I won't."
Matt knew she was joking, but still replied with "okay."
Matt laid down. He was exhausted. He kept fighting to keep his eyes open. He herd Claire's footsteps come closer.
"Matt it's okay to sleep."
He let out soft groans, and reached his hand out towards her. She took it, and kissed him on his chin, then his noes, and finally his forehead.
"How am I supposed to sleep when I could be getting kisses from you?"
"I guess you'll just have to suffer." She slid her arm around his neck.
"Or, I could just do this." He leaned his head into her and pressed his lips to hers. Their bodies were no longer made of flesh and nerves, but sparks and flames. Every movement, each tiny pressure on their skin, and every microscopic shared atom made the flames rise and burn. Matt advanced his lips to her cheek, then jaw, and down to her neck.
"Matt, you really need rest."
"Really? I think this helps a lot more."
Claire sighed softly, "I'm still going to be here when you get well."
Matt put his hand on her arm. "And what if you're not?" The way he said it, made Claire choke up. He wasn't being a smart-ass he sounded, afraid. She took his cheeks in the palm of her hands and touched her forehead with his.
"You know I'm always, going to be there. Even if I'm not with you, I'll be there."
"But what if you're not?"
She knew what he was thinking. That he was somehow going to become something he was trying to stop. That he was going to hurt me.
"It's not possible stitches."
Matt moved his head up towards her.
"Whenever you need me, whenever you need help, when you're past your breaking point, and at your darkest, I'll be there."
She kissed him, and when they released ran her hands through his hair. This was the first time she did this when he was awake. She noticed how he closed his eyes, and tilted his head when she moved her fingers in different places. She noticed the soft sighs he gave, and the way his shoulders dropped.
"What do you say? Sleep?"
Matt smiled, "Will you be here?"
"Of course."
She sifted to get under the bedding. It wasn't a few seconds before she was laying down, when Matt putt his arms around her, and placed his head on her stomach. Claire saw a huge grin on his face. He was like a kola bear. She ran her fingers through his hair again. She didn't think it was possible but his smile got bigger.
My dork.

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