Memory One - Dancing with Guns

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{Hey everyone (or no one), for some odd reason Natalia, a friend of mine whom i helped to write this story, decided to quit, and shove the work on me. Because i am eternally lazy and am handwriting Legend of Q., i decided to upload The Same Moonlight, because it was originally suppose to be an original work, and i loved the backstory. Enjoy, and prepare for the feels!}


It was extremely odd you know. Being the only person in here with a personal reason as to why I was only able to speak with my hands, but was also blessed with the ability to hear still. I don't feel like giving you the in depth story to it all, but I can tell you that when I met Natalia, I was genuinely surprised.

A friend of mine introduced her to me when I told him that I couldn't tell him a lot of problems about my past.

At first, I thought she was a dirty liar. When I saw her face the first time when we had "spoken" over my friend Josephine's computer, she was extremely shy, and was so bad with her sign that I wanted to just start rubbing the underside of my chin at her and call her a liar. But it wasn't because she was some liar. In flesh and blood, which I had neglected to register at the time, she was one and the same as me. We spoke more frequently as time went on over the break from school. We got so close that while I had early on learnt that she was born with damaged vocal cords, she was also chronically anxious. She desperately wanted to catch the attention of the world with her cute and charming looks and amazing drawings and penmanship, but she lacked the intestinal fortitude to go out and claim territory in some form of media for herself.

Truth be told it became evident as to why my old friend ended up telling me about Natalia. She was orphaned at a young age, and grew up moving from household to household, never settling down as her anxiety attacks and quiet personality, mixed with her lack of ability to speak, began to distance her from the families that adopted her.

But one night stood out the most to me, during one of our fifteen minute sign sessions. She entered the video channel balling, tears streaming down her cheeks as her shoulders sagged.

She told me through the most utterly painful sign ( sorry Natters XP) that she had been strong for so long, and that all she wanted to do was rest.

At first, I jumped to conclusions, snapping forward in a flurry of angry hand motions that were literally a blur to her side of the session. After I slowly went back over everything, she wept harder.

["I did not mean an eternal rest."]

That same night I comforted and consoled her, she broke free from most of her anxiety. Sure she was still afraid, and shrunk back when people intimidated her, but she was still a sturdy girl, none the less.

She taught me a lesson as well. I had to take care of myself before I took care of others. I dropped fanfictions entirely. I literally went from, 'just starting to gain fans' to - 'nobodies home'.

True now, Natters is retyping and correcting all of this, but the story is still ours- directed by me and orchestrated by her finishing writings. She is truly my "shero".


Reclining in the chair, I gave the chilly air of my room a deep breath, before leaning forward again, and looking at the computer.

She's late... Thinking quietly to myself, I felt my heart beat pick up. What if she got hurt? Maybe I should message Grey to see if she's alright...A second later, as I was just about to rise and pace the room like a crazed motherly figure, a caller icon popped up, and the smooth faced brunette with a light eyeliner on and a shy smile appeared, holding a cat up to the picture.

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