Memory Two - Moonlight

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The night was rather dreary, the winds of autumn picking up and sending a chill over the metropolis. At one point, this place would be called Front Line City, but now it is called, 'Heartwood'. Heartwood was once a place controlled by a group called the Federal Union. Through the daring acts of a man named Mystic, and his soldiers, he managed to clear the city of children of its treacherous secrets. The organization so hell bent on learning everything it could about the world through dark acts soon collapsed as the Temple, a holy origination of knights and clerics, marched on their front door, and slaughtered all who opposed them.

Front Line City became Heartwood as the Temple pulled what little of their forces that lived from the barren front lines filled with new, vicious and sinister monsters.

Time moved on, quickly, and the rather hasty, yet necessary acts of the Temple were almost forgotten. The shame died away with the great legends that made them. Grey the Paladin, Dominik, knight of Eriasisa, Texas, luminary of the Nether and Aether.

Though many have forgotten what they had done, one group still remains true to the image and protection of their deeds. The Guild that safeguards this information has a name to be remembered by.

The Grey Clouds.


Violet remained crouched. The wind picked up slightly, throwing dust around her and making the grass rustle in the glow of the moonlight. She gave a tiny smile, holding her Scythe in a tight grip.

["It's a nice night out, isn't it?"] She sighed, in sync with the boy close by her.

"It is."

They stared down at the deer grazing lazily on the grass by a large redwood tree. Violet inched forward again, each time that the buck moved, trying to cover her sound and stay out of sight. Her one piece, rather gothic Lolita styled dress fluttered around her knees as she flicked brown bangs from her eyes. The animal jerked up as she got within four steps of it.

Without making a single noise, Violet stood up, pulled back her Scythe, bracing her foot against something on the floor, possible a rock. Taking a deep breath, she swiped forward with the Iron weapon, and flinched as it leapt just far enough to have its side slashed. The deer took off into the trees.

Not bothering to waste words, Violet only glanced back to her companion. Kenavokuro Lux, or Kuro for short, nodded off to the left, and disappeared into darkness. Launching herself through the bushes and branches without any scratches thanks to her dresses ward enchantments, she pursued the creature, intent on finally being able to eat. Sliding through another gap in the tree line, able to see thanks to the moonlight above, Violet took a leap and rolled to her feet as the forest area opened up to a clear field.

"..." Sliding to a near stop, flat bottomed booties slipping under dew coated grasses, the figure scanned the rolling hills quickly. Violet took off after the deer, spotting it thunder over a hill top and out of sight. Dashing forward as fast as possible, she began to pant, fogged breath rolling up into her eyesight.

Kuro's sudden appearance almost startled her, if she hadn't been expecting it.

["Did you see it?"] She breathed, glancing at his pale form in the moonlight, vanilla white hair practically glowing. She could see the red streaks in his hair as well; permanent and twisting in his side swept bangs much like hers, though not actually covering his eye. She only hoped he could read her sign well enough in the low light.

"I followed the blood." His normally thought dull voice made her loose herself a moment. The thought of the hunt flitted from her mind and she felt her heart rate pick up, slow at first, before beating again at its hammering pace. She shook her head, and forced her thoughts to go back to finding something to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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