J is for Jealous

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My stomach churned at the sound of her voice. Shrill and sugary, it made its way to my ears as I headed towards the staff section of the house, my footsteps quickening.

Silver freaking Grey. Yep. That's her voice.

The girl I thought I had escaped after leaving school but turns out she was here, apparently, with my ex-boyfriend/best friend. 

I let out a dry chuckle at my luck, after everything else, this was just the damn cherry on top. It's like the universe wanted to pile everything on top of me and see when I'll break.

Guess what universe, you can't break something that's already broken. Shattered. Gone.

With a firm tug on the door, I entered the cleaning cupboard - which was more akin to a large bedroom - and pulled on the hanging light switch.

I was safe. For now. They wouldn't be coming here, down to this part of the house.

An array of cleaning products sat before me, arranged surprisingly in a meticulous order. "A moppedy, mop," I mumbled quietly as I wandered around the room, my eyes quickly scanning the many rows of a products. "There you are," I smiled proudly, spotting the leaning figure which was nestled in the left corner.

Shadows moved around me as I heard the thud of several footsteps approaching.

Please don't be Noah. Please don't be Noah. Anyone but him.

Peering through the crevice between the door and door frame, I watched quietly, literally holding my breath.

"Does tonight still work for you?" Silver asked tentatively in a soft manner, as she leaned against the counter, her tan long legs crossed over each other.

Freaking heck. Why?

I hadn't seen her in years... it must have been at least five, or maybe six, years. And for good reason. She was a mean, mean girl.

Looks wise, Silver hadn't changed one a bit. Except for the fact that she was even more pretty than she was at school.

She still had that fluttery, popular girl aura that hid a much meaner character. She had perfect blow dried dark hair and an ideal model figure.

Her chocolate coloured eyes melted with a fuzzy look as she watched Noah with a gentle smile.

Fun fact: we were actually really close as children. Best freaking friends.

Then high school happened.

She ditched me. Nothing more to say. I had cried in Noah's arms, countless times, about this very girl. In fact, she used to talk so much rubbish about both Noah and I.

And now he's here.

With her.

The very girl who called Noah a 'puny pet'... amongst other things.

My breath froze as my eyes caught sight of him.

I couldn't cry even if I had wanted to: I had cried my weight in tears last night. Yes, I'm coping just great. Thanks universe.

My head felt heavy as it dropped down, almost as if I didn't have permission to look at him.


My Noah. My friend. My best friend. My partner in crime. The person who knew everything about me. The boy who held me in his arms as I cried about Silver and her bitchy friends. The boy who looked after me when my father lost it. The boy who whispered sweet nothings in my ears as we lay in the grassy field, upon which this very house was built on.

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